Lego Blocks

Lego Blocks

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373 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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Great for boys and girls and all ages. Kids can really use their imagination and it develops motor skills too. Great toy that has lasted through the ages.

Both my kids love Legos. They are so great for encouraging the imagination, building hand-eye coordination, and teaching to follow instructions. I just wish they didn't cost so much!

Great for small hands transitioning to big kid blocks. Easy to put together and pull apart.

Hours of fun however a bit pricey.

What kid doesn't like legos? These make a great gift for any child. My daughter can spend hours messing with her legos, making new things, and showing me her creations.

One of the best toys ever invented! Creative play that lasts for hours! Everyone with kids should have some and grandparents too.

LEGOS ROCK! How does anyone even need a review of this product. My son had tons of them, but I put them toys together. The challenge of the big ones were great mind benders. I love Legos!

Everyone loves Lego's! The little people are a bit expensive if you are just buying a pack of them - be careful about that. Otherwise, they are a timeless classic that everyone loves.. until you step on one, they are one of the WORST toys to step on!!

All of my kids love legos. They come in lots of sizes, are durable and fun to play with for hours on end. They can allow for open ended creativity, or you can buy sets where kids can learn to follow directions. This is among our favorite toys, and we have tons of them.

My kids love playing with Lego blocks

I feel like we have the Lego Store in our son's room. His room actually looks like the Lego Store blew up in his room. He's 7 and loves his Legos. He has tons of the themed sets and several buckets of just the regular building blocks. Dad loves them, too. Legos provide us with hours of fun. We use them in homeschool as learning manipulatives. We are a big believer in Lego building!!! :)

a toy that every kid should have, not all the electronics legos gives them creative play time which helps build their imagination. what other toy can you make a dinorocket if you wanted one right. helps build motor skills as well. love this product.

I have 3 boys of varying ages, and each of them is getting a new Lego set for Christmas. This is going to add to the already 1000 or so Legos that we already have. This is such a unique item that it crosses all the age gaps. I love the creativity, durability, and timelessness of this toy. Christmas wouldn't be the same without them!

I loved legos when i was younger. I love playing with them now, while playing with my kids

legos are always great for kids and let your imagination go