Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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All The Places You'll Go! My Son loves this book! Who doesn't like Dr. Suess! It also has an amazing life lesson!

Absolute nostalgia This was one of my FAVORITE Dr Seuss books growing up. It will always hold a sentimental place in my heart and I'm happy to instill this story upon my children.

Dr.seuss has always been one of my favorite writers and when this came out i just had to read it.. I have three kids all of them loves Dr. Seuss so its only right that i keep up with everything he writes.

Who couldn't love a good Dr Seuss book I think this book is absolutely adorable. The first time I had read this book was when my sister had graduated high school. I think this is the perfect graduation present. You can get teachers to sign it. I saw some where on line someone had the teachers sign it each year and then gifted to their kid. Now when my sister got it, it was only the book but had a sweet inscription. Either way there are multiple things you can do with this book. Works really well as gifts and is a great book to have in your house. It helps you feel motivated in your life.

Top 10 best Graduation gifts My Mom gave me this book as a graduation gift & I still own that book today.

NEW LIFE JOURNEY MUST READ Great book with lots of meaning. Great memory for me. It was read to my class at graduation...... Perfect when starting anew journey in life!!

NEW LIFE JOURNEY MUST READ Great book with lots of meaning. Great memory for me. It was read to my class at graduation...... Perfect when starting anew journey in life!!

I was given this book as a gift from my boss when I got notice that I got the job I had been trying to land. This book reminds me that my journey is far from over and to keep striving for more!

Grad Gift I bought this for son when he graduated. I read it myself too. It gives them something to aspire for. Dr. Sues always have a way with words, even between the jumble of words he can say it better than I ever could.

A great book at any age! Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go! Will always be at the top of my book list, I loved it as a child, was brought to tears rediscovering it's life lessons, and love reading it to my kids. Every page is beautifully illustrated and it's words and message are timeless. Dr. Seus books have a special place in my heart, they are filled with wisdom and whimsy. This is such a great book for any age, it's timeless!

Inspire kids, teens, and adults! To be quite honest with you, if I ever needed a boost, it was during high school. I was about to graduate with top honors but was tremendously afraid about the 'real world'...my teacher gave this book to me and it was something very beautiful. No matter what goals you have in life...this book reminds you to believe in yourself. If you truly believe you'll go places!

Love this book! As old as I am, this book never fails to make me smile like an idiot. It is my all time favorite Dr seuss book and will be for a long time. My kids will be reading this in the near future and hopefully enjoy it as much as I have since I was a kid. I remember my mom reading this to me before bed and I wish to do the same with my kids. I would recommend this book to anyone who has kids or has a little it of kid still in them.

Creativity and inspiration at its best I love this book and so does my 3 year old son . It is a very good way to teach children about being successful in life and that sometimes they will run in to problems along the way but they must push onward until they make it to the top.

Great book all ages! Bought this book for my daughter for High School graduation. It may be a childs book but has great meaning for even later in life. Love Dr Suess!

I love this book. I am starting a long term gift for my boys by writing in it every 6 months or so.