Hormel Compleats Kids Spaghetti & Meatballs

Hormel Compleats Kids Spaghetti & Meatballs

              Rated #12 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1145 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
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My son didn't like it and although I didn't taste it, it is processed and probably filled with more sodium than a kid needs. I did find that it didn't look that appetizing and saucy. I wouldn't purchase it any time in the near future since he didn't eat much of it.

Yuck! Dont waste your money! Its unhealthy and dosent taste good!

I am not a fan of these mels for my kids. They are high in sodium and do not taste very good. I wish they did because the quick and easy concept are there but this just fall short.

First they are not even that healthy. Once you read the label you will see. Also, they are gross! Will not be buying these ever again! My kids are really not that picky so I was shocked when they wouldn't eat it. Then I tried it and understood! Save your money!!

Honestly these are not as healthy as they would have you think and they taste gross. There are only two adult ones I like and I as well as my non picky eater son hate all the ki ones. Yuck. Sorry guys.

i couldn't get my kids to try this.

My kids hated this product! Spaghetti was bland, slighty sweet and altogether not appetizing! Great idea for a quick meal with some nutrition but taste is seriously lacking!

I love this for my 2year old. When she was ready to eat table food , she preferred her milk in a bottle for a long long time. I got this and now she loves to eat lunch and dinner.

My kids love these.They are quick & easy for Mama & the perfect serving for my kids.

not tasty yuck plain and simple

Great idea....my kids thought they were ok, to pricey for me to buy often!

Had a coupon so I decided to let my son try it. he's sooo picky and loves spaghetti. So I cooked it, and have him tried a bite. well he spit it out, and then i tried a bite.. I think the sauce was a little bit to spicy. Won't be buying those again! \

My daughter wouldn't touch these... They smell to much like canned food.

I purchased these with a coupon that I had and thought my girls would love it. Unfortunately after one bite they wouldn't eat anymore. They loved the packaging, but the smell was slightly off putting and they just didn't care for the taste at all.

My kids really like this. Its a quick and easy lunch after church on Sunday or you can couple it with a salad and have it for dinner. they offer coupons on these through the Sunday paper every now and then too.