Hormel Compleats Kids Pasta & Chicken

Hormel Compleats Kids Pasta & Chicken

              Rated #14 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1062 Reviews 2.1/5 stars
27% Recommended
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Even after adding some salt, my kid wouldn't eat it and neither would I. It was very bland and mushy. It didn't look good. It was too soupy. It reminded me more of a baby food.

My two boys didn't really like it. It didn't look very appealing to me either.

This one did not go over well! It looks somewhat appetizing but my daughter thought it was disgusting. I tried it myself and I have to agree

We didn't really care for the taste of the pasta and chicken

My kids thought it tasted and smelled horrible and did not eat more than a bite.

My 3 & 6 yr old daughters both hated it. Nothing in the meal tasted like it came from real "chicken", "corn" or "pasta". Alot of mush & paste. Resembled baby food but tasted awful to me.

none of my kids like this one

My son did not care for this variety. To me it looked and smelled unappealing. I did not taste it. My son asked for a sandwich after a few bites.

My Son didn't like this one. He eats another brand of this a lot though, so might not have liked it b/c it was different than what he is used to.

My kids did NOT like this one at all!

My kids did not like this at all, they said it was slimy :(

My son said it didn't have a really good flavor. Not a hit at our house.

Easy to prepare but my kids said it smelled like cat food... I couldn't even get them to take a bite :o( Sorry.

This meal was not a hit. My oldest would not eat it and I thought it smelled horrible. I agree with others that it was slimy and just not something I would buy.

My son did not like this one at ALL, he said it smelled horrible and he only took one bite before throwing it out, slimy and icky!