Hormel Compleats Kids Pasta & Chicken

Hormel Compleats Kids Pasta & Chicken

              Rated #14 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1062 Reviews 2.1/5 stars
27% Recommended
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Unfortunately this eal did not fly with my kids. Although the meal is easy to prepare and handy when you need something fast, the taste and quality really fall short. The texture of the meal was mushy and mealy and had a weird look to it which turned off my kids. This is the same meal they market to adults and the too have the same texture sorr but I cant recommend this or ever buy it.

Unfortunately this eal did not fly with my kids. Although the meal is easy to prepare and handy when you need something fast, the taste and quality really fall short. The texture of the meal was mushy and mealy and had a weird look to it which turned off my kids. This is the same meal they market to adults and the too have the same texture sorr but I cant recommend this or ever buy it.

My daughter ate a few bites of this one. It still wasn't a big hit for our house though.

My daughter ate a few bites of this one. It still wasn't a big hit for our house though.

My son hated it! Too bland.

My son hated it! Too bland.

My 7 year old said, "Gross, this looks like throw up, but it smells good." He ate it but first impression was not appealing at al!

My 7 year old said, "Gross, this looks like throw up, but it smells good." He ate it but first impression was not appealing at al!

The kids all said the sauce was gross. and they said it had no flavor. My one son said the chicken tasted like it wasn't fresh. So much for adding these meals to our stables.

The kids all said the sauce was gross. and they said it had no flavor. My one son said the chicken tasted like it wasn't fresh. So much for adding these meals to our stables.

My 3 year old actually ate this one with no complaint, or so the day care teacher said! He tends to be a picky eater in front of me but for her he ate it will no complaint. She loves when I send these... No fuss, no mess!

My 3 year old actually ate this one with no complaint, or so the day care teacher said! He tends to be a picky eater in front of me but for her he ate it will no complaint. She loves when I send these... No fuss, no mess!

Neither my 6 or 2 year old would eat this. My oldest said that she didn't like the taste. On the upside, preparation and clean up were a snap.

Neither my 6 or 2 year old would eat this. My oldest said that she didn't like the taste. On the upside, preparation and clean up were a snap.

I liked the convenience and ease of cleanup of this product, the only drawback I had to it was my kids complained about the taste.

I liked the convenience and ease of cleanup of this product, the only drawback I had to it was my kids complained about the taste.

The overall look of the contents reminded me of cat food and appeared to be "oily". My son didn't complain when I served it to him, but he definatly did not like it.

The overall look of the contents reminded me of cat food and appeared to be "oily". My son didn't complain when I served it to him, but he definatly did not like it.

Neither one of my boys liked this one. The 4yo said the sauce was yucky and the 18mo spat it out.

Neither one of my boys liked this one. The 4yo said the sauce was yucky and the 18mo spat it out.

My daughter didn't like this one. She said it looked like the cat food our cat eats! Once cooked she only took one bite. Said it didn't taste good to her. She also said she didn't like the smell

My daughter didn't like this one. She said it looked like the cat food our cat eats! Once cooked she only took one bite. Said it didn't taste good to her. She also said she didn't like the smell

My daughter liked this one pretty well. She ate the chicken more than the pasta or sauce.

My daughter liked this one pretty well. She ate the chicken more than the pasta or sauce.

"Too mushy"..."no flavor"...it was not a hit! ;(

"Too mushy"..."no flavor"...it was not a hit! ;(

My son tried this last night and he was not impressed. When I opened it after it was heated he said" "That doesn't look like the picture!" He ate a few bites but would not finish this meal. Sorry Hormel - but it looks like back to the drawing board on this one!

My son tried this last night and he was not impressed. When I opened it after it was heated he said" "That doesn't look like the picture!" He ate a few bites but would not finish this meal. Sorry Hormel - but it looks like back to the drawing board on this one!

I have three kids, 5, 7 and 9 and no one liked any of these meals. This one was mushy and gloopy. The sauce was congealed and the pasta mush. The carrots were too soft and it just had no flavor.

I have three kids, 5, 7 and 9 and no one liked any of these meals. This one was mushy and gloopy. The sauce was congealed and the pasta mush. The carrots were too soft and it just had no flavor.