Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

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199 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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I loved this series of books. The story line is reminiscent of some other movies/ books but has enough of its own concept additions to make it unique. I couldn't put them down.

I loved this series of books. The story line is reminiscent of some other movies/ books but has enough of its own concept additions to make it unique. I couldn't put them down.

This is not a book I would classify for children. I read it and found it very intriguing and something that society could actually end up allowing to happen. After reading the first book, I was pulled into the story and went on to read the other 2 books in the trilogy. However, I would not allow my children to read these books until they are at least teenagers and it would be only after talking to them about it.

This is not a book I would classify for children. I read it and found it very intriguing and something that society could actually end up allowing to happen. After reading the first book, I was pulled into the story and went on to read the other 2 books in the trilogy. However, I would not allow my children to read these books until they are at least teenagers and it would be only after talking to them about it.

At first i wasnt interested in reading the series, but I got the first book free when I bought a nook. It was still a couple of months after that before I gave it a try. I should have read it way sooner then I did. I could not put it down and quickly purchased the other books.

At first i wasnt interested in reading the series, but I got the first book free when I bought a nook. It was still a couple of months after that before I gave it a try. I should have read it way sooner then I did. I could not put it down and quickly purchased the other books.

Awesome! Amazing! Wonderful books! I was originally skeptical about reading these but once I started I could not but then down. I finished the series in a couple of days. Worth every penny.

Awesome! Amazing! Wonderful books! I was originally skeptical about reading these but once I started I could not but then down. I finished the series in a couple of days. Worth every penny.

I read these some years back. Not only is the story arc good, the writing is excellent. I occasionally found myself marvelling at how deftly she had caught the whole "reality tv" genre. Absolutely recommended! (I haven't seen the movie - I don't believe two hours could possibly show all the nuances of this book.)

I read these some years back. Not only is the story arc good, the writing is excellent. I occasionally found myself marvelling at how deftly she had caught the whole "reality tv" genre. Absolutely recommended! (I haven't seen the movie - I don't believe two hours could possibly show all the nuances of this book.)

I read this book when it first came out because my mom a teacher told me I absolutely had to! I thought it would be stupid but I fell in love and finished the series in like a week! I must admit that the first few chapter are a little dry but quickly it gets you hooked! I love this book so much but there is a little violence so younger kids may not want to read it!

I read this book when it first came out because my mom a teacher told me I absolutely had to! I thought it would be stupid but I fell in love and finished the series in like a week! I must admit that the first few chapter are a little dry but quickly it gets you hooked! I love this book so much but there is a little violence so younger kids may not want to read it!

I loved this entire series. I've been a fan of the classic distopian novels like "1984" and "Brave New World" since I was 12. It's nice to see someone exploring that genre in modern fiction. I avoided these books for a long time because I associated them with the teen supernatural romances like "Twilight." That was a big mistake. There is an aspect of romance, but it's a piece of the story, not the point of the story. It's certainly darker than a lot of other books out there, but it is appropriate to the target age group. I also applaud this series for giving young girls a lead character who is competent and independent yet realistic.

I loved this entire series. I've been a fan of the classic distopian novels like "1984" and "Brave New World" since I was 12. It's nice to see someone exploring that genre in modern fiction. I avoided these books for a long time because I associated them with the teen supernatural romances like "Twilight." That was a big mistake. There is an aspect of romance, but it's a piece of the story, not the point of the story. It's certainly darker than a lot of other books out there, but it is appropriate to the target age group. I also applaud this series for giving young girls a lead character who is competent and independent yet realistic.

I first read this series a couple years ago and I was constantly trying to persuade people to read this. Nobody really listened until it finally got huge and everyone was raving about it. A series that keeps you hooked, has a great and unique story line and the series ends without you needing to know more. Great great books!!

I first read this series a couple years ago and I was constantly trying to persuade people to read this. Nobody really listened until it finally got huge and everyone was raving about it. A series that keeps you hooked, has a great and unique story line and the series ends without you needing to know more. Great great books!!

Read the books 3 years ago. Glad to see they finally caught on!

Read the books 3 years ago. Glad to see they finally caught on!

I love this book. I watched the movie first and it made me read the book. I could not put it down.

I love this book. I watched the movie first and it made me read the book. I could not put it down.

I read all three books in a week. I got a deal on ebooks and thought "my neice loves this I should find out why." I'm not much of a reader but this definitely kept my interest. Being a woman and having 2 girls of my own I am all for a female heroine. I can't wait until they are old enough to read the books.

I read all three books in a week. I got a deal on ebooks and thought "my neice loves this I should find out why." I'm not much of a reader but this definitely kept my interest. Being a woman and having 2 girls of my own I am all for a female heroine. I can't wait until they are old enough to read the books.

Loved this series, this is usually not something that I read, but I could not put the books down I was sad when I read the last page of the last book. There were some parts that I was not happy with like the fact that the children had to fight and die, but I think that was part of what kept me reading I wanted to see what happend to all the wonderful characters. I totally recommend this series.

Loved this series, this is usually not something that I read, but I could not put the books down I was sad when I read the last page of the last book. There were some parts that I was not happy with like the fact that the children had to fight and die, but I think that was part of what kept me reading I wanted to see what happend to all the wonderful characters. I totally recommend this series.

Great Book Series especially if you like Dystopian Novels.

Great Book Series especially if you like Dystopian Novels.

I been a big fan of these books for a while now. They are a great read! Adventure, love, and responsibility.

I been a big fan of these books for a while now. They are a great read! Adventure, love, and responsibility.

I enjoyed this book very much. I didn't think I would but decided to read it because of all teh talk about it. I was pleasantly surprised. The time that Katness spends in the arena is my favorite part. The intense feelings and situations are almost felt by the reader with the descriptions of her emotions throughout the book.

I enjoyed this book very much. I didn't think I would but decided to read it because of all teh talk about it. I was pleasantly surprised. The time that Katness spends in the arena is my favorite part. The intense feelings and situations are almost felt by the reader with the descriptions of her emotions throughout the book.