Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

Suzanne Collins The Hunger Game Series

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I been a big fan of these books for a while now. They are a great read! Adventure, love, and responsibility.

Great Book Series especially if you like Dystopian Novels.

Loved this series, this is usually not something that I read, but I could not put the books down I was sad when I read the last page of the last book. There were some parts that I was not happy with like the fact that the children had to fight and die, but I think that was part of what kept me reading I wanted to see what happend to all the wonderful characters. I totally recommend this series.

I read all three books in a week. I got a deal on ebooks and thought "my neice loves this I should find out why." I'm not much of a reader but this definitely kept my interest. Being a woman and having 2 girls of my own I am all for a female heroine. I can't wait until they are old enough to read the books.

I love this book. I watched the movie first and it made me read the book. I could not put it down.

Read the books 3 years ago. Glad to see they finally caught on!

I first read this series a couple years ago and I was constantly trying to persuade people to read this. Nobody really listened until it finally got huge and everyone was raving about it. A series that keeps you hooked, has a great and unique story line and the series ends without you needing to know more. Great great books!!

I read this book when it first came out because my mom a teacher told me I absolutely had to! I thought it would be stupid but I fell in love and finished the series in like a week! I must admit that the first few chapter are a little dry but quickly it gets you hooked! I love this book so much but there is a little violence so younger kids may not want to read it!

I read these some years back. Not only is the story arc good, the writing is excellent. I occasionally found myself marvelling at how deftly she had caught the whole "reality tv" genre. Absolutely recommended! (I haven't seen the movie - I don't believe two hours could possibly show all the nuances of this book.)

Awesome! Amazing! Wonderful books! I was originally skeptical about reading these but once I started I could not but then down. I finished the series in a couple of days. Worth every penny.

At first i wasnt interested in reading the series, but I got the first book free when I bought a nook. It was still a couple of months after that before I gave it a try. I should have read it way sooner then I did. I could not put it down and quickly purchased the other books.

I loved this series of books. The story line is reminiscent of some other movies/ books but has enough of its own concept additions to make it unique. I couldn't put them down.

I have only read the first book. I plan on reading the second soon. Very well written and definitely a page turner.

YESSS!!!! Really good read!

Amazing book, Made me cry.