Bounce Dryer Bar

Bounce Dryer Bar

              Rated #73 in Laundry
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139 Reviews 3.3/5 stars
59% Recommended
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I was upset with the way this worked. I would rather deal with the sheets instead. It did not freshen up my clothes in the dryer at all.

Great idea, but it doesn't work. If I don't put a dryer sheet in still, my clothes are full of static. It has no smell. It seems to have a film over it or something now, like it's just not working. Hasn't been in my dryer long. I hope it doesn't leave a sticky mess on my new dryer when I try to remove it. Don't waste your money!

Im not satisfied with the Bounce Dryer Bar. Its broken in the Dryer in lots of crumbs. Has not a real good smell. So I dont buy it for myself.

Agree - Don't waste your money. I purchased this full price and had high hopes that I could use this in place of the wasteful dryer sheets. Sadly it was very disappointing. The bar only lasted through two dryer cycles before it fell apart and I mean in pieces. It is held together with a sticky strip to the dryer and then another strip holds the bar to the strip - both became unglued. I also noticed that bits of lint already started sticking to the bar.

While the dryer bar is a great concept, it just didn't work for me. When I first used it, it smelled very nice but I didn't notice much of a difference in my clothes and it eventually started leaving a residue on my clothes and the dryer. It sort of helped with static but not with wrinkles. Sorry Bounce, but this one is a no for me.

I thought I would love the bounce bar....I did not! Most of the time my clothes come out static clung together, the sheets leave more of a scent on the clothes (which I happen to like) and once I had a stuffed bear and a bunch of towels in the dryer and the bar broke into pieces and I had to take the whole lint compartment apart to clean it out!

Worked well, smelled great at first but then seemed to not do much. When i went to remove the holder from my dryer I couldn't get it off. My husband ended up having to pry it off!!!

Great smelling product. I tried it and thought it was wonderful till I found it in about 10 pieces in the dryer. I haven't used one since. I still use bounce sheets, but I don't think I'll buy this bar again.

I like this until I stopped using it. Now I'm stuck with a sticky residue on the inside of my dryer were the bar used to be.

I tried this but didn't really think it works all that well, was hoping for more.

Not nearly as good a product as promoted. Not representative of the Bounce name.

Wanted to like this but not so great. Left some white residue on my pants. I'll stick with dryer sheets.

Doesn't last that long. I liked it but I think for the cost it should last longer

The sheet leaves a sticky residue. I thought that because of the name brand, it would be a good quality.

I loved the smell of this, had no problem with it at all and thought it was a miracle. That is until I tried to remove it from my dryer, I had the hardest time getting it to come off and even cut my hand on the dryer trying to remove it. I will stick to the old fashion dryer sheets from now on. Not worth the hassle.