Boudreaux's  Butt Paste

Boudreaux's Butt Paste

              Rated #4 in Diapers & Diapering
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195 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
94% Recommended
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My go to bottom paste.

A product with the words "Butt Paste", in it...SOLD! Even for just the novelty, but was pleasantly surprised with it. My youngest had really sensitive skin and eczema. It even worked on his cheeks.... (Face) and behind his knees.

The best butt paste!! It was a lifesaver! My daughter had her first rash at 14 months and nothing got rid of it like this did! Definitely recommend it to everyone!

I love how easily this goes on and comes off! We used it when our oldest got his first diaper rash as a baby and it worked so fast! Better than Desitin. Now we use this on our newborn to prevent any diaper rash and I absolutely love that it doesn't irritate her skin and wipes off easily unlike Desitin.

Desitin max strength works much faster.

It does an alright job at getting rid of diaper rash.

Works fast and gets the job done. Love this stuff!

I do not recommended this product at all because when you apply it to the babies area when its time tochange the next diaper the cream is hard to come off.

Works at getting rid if the rash fast.

Great product.

Good stuff

My sister uses this for my nephew so I know I'll be purchasing it for my baby!

This is a very nice and thick paste that works well. If you even have a little sign of a rash, you put this on and the rash is gone within a few hours. The thickness helps it spread nice and doesnt have a horrible smell.

Definitely the cream you want to put on your babies bottom. It's much more effective than Desitin, and has little sting factor. Some other brands can actually make a diaper rash worse. You don't have to worry about that with this product. It does stain. But it is worth it.

Amazing product! A little goes a long way, its great for my kids and I also use it for extremely dry hands in the winter.