Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Todder Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Vanilla Flavor

Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Todder Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Vanilla Flavor

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My son really liked this! Love that it is so convenient, and that it has lots of nutrious value, but also seems to be something that tastes good, so he will want to drink it! That can be hard to find :) Good if you are looking for something for a child that may not drink all of the milk that they should, or get all of the nutrients that they need from food and drink!

I really didnt think my daughter would like this, but she did, she ended up loving it!! She rather drink this over regalur milk!! Thanks so much!!

Both of my boys tried the Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks. My four year old was not a fan of these but truthfully he is a too old for them. He just thought they looked really cool and had to try them. He did say he liked the vanilla flavor a little bit. My youngest son is in fact a toddler, and is in the age range in which these drinks are intended for. My 20 month old loves to drink Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks. He loved both of the flavors and really enjoyed the the packaging. He honestly loves the duck and soccer ball on these little milk drinks! Funny right? My little D also can't help but smile when he gets to drink out of a straw. My toddler goes through phases with food so I am constantly trying to figure out ways to make sure I get enough needed nutrients into his little body on a daily basis. Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks have been a great solution for me. I no longer have to stress out on the days when he doesn't eat as well as I think he should. I simply offer him an Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Toddler Ready-to-Drink Milk Drink with his meal or snack. I love knowing my baby ? oops, I mean toddler, is getting everything he needs to help him grow and develop. He may be a toddler now, but he and his brother will always be my precious babies! The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is because it does take my toddler more than one meal to finish this drink. He drinks it which makes me happy but he still prefers regular milk over these drinks.

My kids loved it and thought it was so fun drinking milk out of a BOX! I tasted it myself and I thought it tasted like sweet vanilla, the only downfall is it says it's artificially flavored. I try my best to feed my kids healthy foods with no preservatives and artificial flavors, so this was a bummer because we enjoyed it. But... on the other hand, if you have super picky eaters and this is your last resort, go for it! There are worse things they could be drinking. Thanks so much for letting us sample it!

I have four children,.two liked it, two didn;t like it. One said it tasted to water down milk. (the oldest child) . i would recommend it for when traveling with small ones. i really liked the type of straw that it has.

I ended up giving the sample to my daycare provider. The sample was test by a 1year old (liked), 2 year old (didn't like) and 2 3 year olds (one liked and the other didn't). So we had mixed reviews with our experiment. The coupons were shared with the mom's at the daycare. Thank you for this program it was fun!

I gave this to my 3-year old son and he hated it. He refused to drink it. So instead of letting it go to waste - I added a little chocolate syrup in it. That was the only way he'd drink it. He loves other similar products - so I'm not sure what's different about this one. I think other flavor varieties might help!

My three year old would not drink these. Either flavors. And she's not a picky eater. I think she is just so used to regular milk. My one year old, on the other hand, loves them. I like that they are nutritious.

This great product for my child is healthy taste good and is good on the go ,I loved

I loved this product! My 1 year old was in the process of transitioning to cow milk from formula and her tummy was not doing well with it at all. We tried the Enfgrow formula and she loves it and I feel a ton better that I still KNOW that she is still getting the proper nutrition she needs even with the 'real food' she is eating now. I have sine bought the powder Enfagrow for home and I buy the liquid pre-made for when we are out and about.

My 3-year old daughter loves the vanilla flavor and like the natural. I like that it is as easy and convenient as a juice box when we are on the move, but better nutrition. However, I would be unlikely to purchase due to the cost.

Little Talia and my adopted niece Lillian, who is staying with me for a while, absolutely loved it! I will definitely be buying this product on a regular basis. I like it that you can transport it easily. It's great that it has added nutrients. I shared the coupons with Moms of toddlers..so far they are all raving about what a fantastic product it is.

My daughter loved these drinks and I love them because they are healthy! She couldn't wait to pack on in her lunch for the next day. The fact that it has DHA makes it very appealing. And the no fuss ready-to-drink container is fabulous. Thumbs up

This is great for in te diaper bag and on the go my three and one year old both like it so this will probaly be a diaper bag essitial for a few years at least I love the ease of it and that it fosent have to be kept in fridge !

My 4 year old really enjoyed both of these, but definitely preferred the vanilla flavor. These were great for holding him over between pre-K and lunchtime. I would bring one with me when I picked him up so he could drink it on the way home and while I prepared his lunch. I love that the straw was easy enough for him to do on his own, though younger children will probably need some help. The only downside that *I* personally found is that they have that the milk flavored one tasted more like formula than milk, with that slight powder taste. The vanilla did not have that off taste. Now, I will probably not buy these often, but I like the idea of the protein and vitamins in an easy-to-serve drink, but I will likely pick these up for road trips and day trips.