Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

Hormel Compleats Kids Beef Ravioli

              Rated #11 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1117 Reviews 3.4/5 stars
65% Recommended
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My 6 year old son liked this one the best and ate all of it.

My 6 year old loved this one the best and ate it all AND then his little brothers! :)

My daughter loved it

He loved it

My 4 year old loved all the meals! Send some more please...!

my son loved this and i did as well. it is the perfect portion for him. it was quick and easy to make.

My kids love Ravioli and they really enjoyed eating this. They liked it and will try it again. So I will be buying this product in the future. They were still hungry after eating this so it would be nice if there portions were a big more. I have nine year old girl twins.

this product my kids loved ot, very tastey

Great kid food! Fast and easy and everyone liked this one. This is our favorite.

my kids loved this one! it was their fave flavor.

My daughter thought this ravioli was amazing. I dont particularily like canned pasta, but she loved it and thats all that matters! Great quick snack! :)

My son loved this one!! His favorite by far

my child loved this and wanted more!

My boys picked this as their favorite!

My twins boys loved it, quick,easy, and tasted great, this was there favorite.