Hormel Compleats Kids Spaghetti & Meatballs

Hormel Compleats Kids Spaghetti & Meatballs

              Rated #12 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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1145 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
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Out of the 4 we received this was the only one they didn't like. My 8 yr old said it tasted "wierd"!

I didn't even let my son try these meals because of the high salt content. We need meals like these with less salt.

My kids did not really care for it. The 5 year old ate it but didn't like it and the 3 yr old tried it once and said no way.

My 9 year old did not like it. The sauce was too runny and too "tomatoey", likes my homemade spaghetti sauce much better. She said the meatballs tasted funny. Would like something with much less salt in it.

My son is 8 and he really likes spaghetti, but this meal was horrible. He took 2 bites, the second one because I made him, and he refused to eat anymore. I tasted it and I have to say it was pretty bland, other than all of the salt they put in it to cover up the bland taste,it really had no flavor. As my son would say "It was YUCKY!" I definately will not be buying this product again.

My son did notcare for this at all. He took one bite and didn't eat any more.

I was suprised of all of them that my daughter didn't even like it the sauce was spicy

Not a fan at all. I couldn't get past the look of it to take a bite myself, let alone feed my boy.

My kids dont seem to like any of these at all. Threw away every one I opened

My daughter didn't like this at all, she threw up the first bite itself.

My children said this tasted gross. Normally, my children take two bites of something before deciding whether they like it or not, however my younger one refused to take a second bite. My older one took a second bite and said it was worse than the first bite. It seemed there was too much sauce and the sauce did have a strange smell.

My daughter did not like this at all. She normally loves spaghetti, no matter what restaurant or who makes it! But this she could not eat. She tried and I even added salt and pepper for taste, but it was a "no go."

It had way too much sauce and seemed very similar to Chef Boyardee. My kids took a few bites and refused to eat any more.

none of my kids would eat this. they did try it, just didn't like it.

didn't like this one either