Boudreaux's  Butt Paste

Boudreaux's Butt Paste

              Rated #4 in Diapers & Diapering
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194 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
94% Recommended
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When I had my first kid 6 years ago a friend told me about the 'magical butt paste'. She told me that it's the only thing to use, and no matter what I do I'll always come back to it. At that point and time it was just starting to be sold in stores around here. She had actually sent money to her aunt to get some for her, and for me for my baby shower. I loved it. I eventually ran out and started to panic because I couldn't find any anywhere. I tried all the other diaper rash products on the market and none of them worked at all compared to the butt paste. I went though my friend getting it from her aunt until I started seeing it in stores. I bought all I could afford in fear that i would run out again. It's all I've used on all 4 of my kids, and I still recomend it to everyone I see. This is the best product out there for babys booty!!!

I used this butt paste with my son and in 2 years he has never had an outbreak of diaper rash. As soon as I saw any redness I apply this paste and voila the next diaper change his behind is clear! Much better than any other paste out there, in my opinion.

Love the butt paste!! Not only for diaper rashes but otger problems as well!! Really clears up rash and isn't greasy!!

This did miracles to my daughter's rash whenever she got one! It's a must have with babies!

Never used this brand until my grandma got me a 1 pound tub of it. It was great! The minute I see a little red I would use it and his rash would be cleared up by the end of the day or by next morning. The tub lasted forever due to you don't need to use so much since it is so think. Will even stay on after they use the diapers clean off and coat again it works like a protective layer.

Loved this stuff and it wasn't too expensive, I found out real quick though it was a big no no for cloth diapering parents, not suppose to use this stuff on cloth diapers but definitely great for those using disposables.. Would recommend...

The BEST stuff on the market hands-down! My daughter has a VERY sensitive diaper area and this is the only stuff that can eliminate problems after one use. I have used SEVERAL different brands in varying strengths and ingredients. Some even caused her to get worse! I bought the huge tube of this because there is no point in using anything else. This is all we need when we encounter any problems in the diaper area. She just recently had a horrendous diaper rash and I applied a very thick layer of this and overnight it disappeared. I recommend this to all new moms I know and put it in gift baskets for baby showers.

Butt Paste has been a life saver for my overly poopy son. Seriously he poops more than most grown men, it's gross. But all the poop leads to rashes. Butt Paste has been the only product ( out of many that we have tried ) that really gets the job done! We can't live without it.

the only butt cream that works!!!

This is the only thing i use for diaper rash. Love it, works great.

Simply the best diaper rash ointment out there! Clears diaper rash overnight! My son is 3 and we still use it! Highly recommended!

I love this butt paste! It always seems to clear up any diaper irritation my children have. We cloth diaper, and it doesn't seem to leave too much residue on the diapers either! Get some and try it!

This is by far the greatest thing since sliced bread! Its the only thing that works on my kids rashes!!! its super thick so you can use it in moderation. All around an amazing product!

I've used this in my line of work and its very good for the skin.

I love this!! I used to use it on both my kids and it worked great always took the rash away the quickest.