Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

Hormel Compleats Kids Macaroni & Beef

              Rated #13 in Meat, Seafood, and Proteins
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913 Reviews 3.1/5 stars
56% Recommended
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My 3 year old loved this and finished it all. I will be buying this again for sure!!!

My 3 year old loved this and finished it all. I will be buying this again for sure!!!

My son loved this one the best.

My son loved this one the best.

My 2 1/2 tear enjoyed these meal too, but the ravioli is still her favorite!

My 2 1/2 tear enjoyed these meal too, but the ravioli is still her favorite!

my kids absolutely love the taste as they think its better than my home cooking, LOL! go hormel compleats kids!!!!

my kids absolutely love the taste as they think its better than my home cooking, LOL! go hormel compleats kids!!!!

My son loved it! And I love that I am giving him something that is good for him and it's easy too!

My son loved it! And I love that I am giving him something that is good for him and it's easy too!

My Daughter loved this. She ate the whole thing

My Daughter loved this. She ate the whole thing

My daughter loved this one. I normally hate macaroni & beef, but when I tasted this, I wished I had one!

My daughter loved this one. I normally hate macaroni & beef, but when I tasted this, I wished I had one!

The best meal out of the bunch. My kids felt satisfied (full) after eating it.

The best meal out of the bunch. My kids felt satisfied (full) after eating it.

My 3yo son absolutely loves all of these kid meals & he's a picky eater. I have found it difficult to get him to eat & I don't argue with him about eating these little meals.

My 3yo son absolutely loves all of these kid meals & he's a picky eater. I have found it difficult to get him to eat & I don't argue with him about eating these little meals.

This was my daughters favorite one, she really enjoyed the flavor. I enjoyed that it was a quick and nutritional meal when we are on the go.

This was my daughters favorite one, she really enjoyed the flavor. I enjoyed that it was a quick and nutritional meal when we are on the go.

Kids loved this meal. Probably their favorite out of all of them. I tried this one and thought it was very good ...and I don't like most prepared pasta meals.

Kids loved this meal. Probably their favorite out of all of them. I tried this one and thought it was very good ...and I don't like most prepared pasta meals.

My son absolutely loved this and was a great snack for when he came home from school. It was better than hamburger helper food.

My son absolutely loved this and was a great snack for when he came home from school. It was better than hamburger helper food.

My kids liked this one the best! Gone in just a few minutes. I have already purchased several of this variety.

My kids liked this one the best! Gone in just a few minutes. I have already purchased several of this variety.

loved it!!!!!!!:))

loved it!!!!!!!:))

My daughter LOVED the sweet taste to the sauce. She ate every last bite, which is a challenge for her at 6 years old (and she eats like a bird)...

My daughter LOVED the sweet taste to the sauce. She ate every last bite, which is a challenge for her at 6 years old (and she eats like a bird)...