Ghirardelli  Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter Filling Squares

Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter Filling Squares

              Rated #81 in Snacks & Candy
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I feel that the slightly higher cost is well worth the price! The quality passes all the competition. Smooth, not grainy as are some other common brands. The flavor is truly richer and no nasty after taste as you find in other brands. The peanut butter does not everwhelm the flavor of the chocolate. Truly a decadent treat.

All Ghiradelli products are great! I have a cupcake business and I use Ghiradelli baking chocolate. These make very delicious cupcakes. The flavor is very distinct and delectable. You cannot find a better product for your taste buds and the price!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I absolutely love Ghirardelli Milk Chocolate with Peanut Butter Filling. They are awesome, the peanut butter complimennts there milk chocolate so well. I love how it just melts in your mouth with the best flavor ever. Everything Ghriradelli makes is delicious. I always have ghriardeli around the house whether im baking with it or for a snack. My husband absolutely loves the peanutbutterfilling as well as my daughter. :-)

We were in Ghiradelli getting icecream at the Disney marketplace in Orlando and they were giving out samples of the peanutbutter squares so we tasted them and were hooked on them ever since!!

Simply the best I ever had...and I don't even care for chocolate that much. More please!

This review is coming from a girl who doesn't even care for sweets all that much. Being from PA, we grew up on Hershey's and it wasn't until we actually were in San Francisco near Fisherman's Wharf where Ghiradelli is located that I tried this chocolate. This is a special treat for myself and it simply is the best quality chocolate I've ever had. Much better than Hershey's Reeses. I've recently tried the peanut butter one and it is my second favorite to the mint chocolate!

Perfectly smooth and silky and made with white chocolate, what could be more decadent. Perfect for your sweet cravings in morning time, work time, dinner time.....ANYTIME...EVERY TIME. I love WHITE CHOCOLATE.

I grew up in San Francisco. I loved going to the Ghirardelli shop. Their chocolate is bliss. I got these for my husband who is addicted to peanut butter. It was an instant hit with him. I love that Ghirardelli's packaged product keeps it's authentic flavor!!!! I love the caramel squares but these are so delicious and I have a little taste of home each time I eat one and my husband has a new favorite!!!

so very much love this combination. Sweet chocolate w/ creamy Peanut Butter....Put the Ghiradelli name & package on it , & you are sure to please....Very Good & worth every penny!

this is my favorite thing to give as a gift to give to someone that you have no idea what to give them . i use a plant pot and use wooded stick and tape the candy to them and make it look like flowers and decerate the pot it is a great gift

Ghiradelli chocolates are the absolute best! I love the peanut butter choclate the best but they are all so creamy and decadent. This is how I treat myself.. I can eat one and just feel so a bit of happiness on a not so good day! These are a very high quality, affordable piece of heaven ! Yummy!

My mother in-law had a milestone birthday (Nov 15th) and she loves chocolate so we decided to throw her a chocolate themed birthday party...EVERYTHING covered in chocolate, Ghiardellis of course! Everyone loved it, especially her. I was so glad Ghiardellis is so affordable we were able to use that as the only chocolate. PS It melts perfectly!

I love this chocolate. the filling is perfectly smooth and the chocolate has a good taste. The whole thing is a perfect combination of flavoring. I buy this for myself as a special treat that the children are not allowed to know about. This is one of my top 5 favorite special treats for myself, especially around that time of the month.

OMG is all i can say to explain Ghiradelli chocolate products! These bring out hte true christmas spirit! every flavor they have is extrodiary! the way the chocalte is so thin but poerfull and breaks so perfectly to explade the inside filling just drops a expolision of flavor in your mouth! My 4 favorite square are the perepmint bark, dk choco with mint, coco with carmel, and dk coco with rasperberry! you will never taste anything like this! ALso their coco chip we use in our coco chip christmas cookies and you have never had melt in your mouth coco chip in a cookie until you've used Ghiradellu chips!

Mmmmmm. I've never been to San Francisco, but there is a Ghirardelli shop at Downtown Disney - and they have a variety of chocolate for everyone. Even an ice cream shop for a cold treat. I especially like the chocolate squares with the different fillings. I think caramel is my favorite. Got to love Ghirardelli!