Swiffer Dusters 360

Swiffer Dusters 360

              Rated #45 in Cleaning Supplies
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55 Reviews 4.4/5 stars
96% Recommended
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great product! grabs up all the dust and leaves nothing behind!

Awesome product innovation. Love these. They work so well. I use for dusting furniture and pictures as well as ceiling fans and light covers. So easy to use then toss when done. Price for refills could be cheaper. But still a great product from a great company.

This duster is awesome, BUT - if you have to dust even a slightly textured surface, it is going to give you trouble. The little pieces of the duster pad will sort of snag on any small points of the surface, and cause your dust-job to look streaky. Also, while this is great for dusting-upkeep, I wouldn't recommend this product be used by those who only dust once in a blue moon. It will not hold onto 'clumps' of dust very well and they will fall everywhere. If you are one of those who dusts on a regular basis though, this is one of the BEST items ever for dusting knick-knack shelves, in and around the TV area, etc. Just steer clear of ceiling fans or the tops of high furniture cabinets since those tend to have the 'snaggy' spots I'm referring to.

I love swiffer. Picks up dust and doesnt spread it around like most dusters do. Great product that gets the job done!

I use it all over my house and also I take to work at preschool

All my dust and dirt clings and stays on these dusters! Great for tough to reach spots like inside decorative vases!

Very easy to use and grabs everything..

It actually picks up the dust. I clean a bank, and i use these in stead of the dusting cloths they provide for me. I use them at home, i have alot of little things that collect tons of dust!

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I love this item as it makes for a quick dusting every day. It grabs the dust and holds onto it. I especially like to use it around the electronics as they draw dust and this duster makes it so easy to keep them clean. I keep one in each main room in an unseen area with refills in the closet. Really easy to get at those hard to reach places.