Pantene Nature Fusion Moisture Balance Shampoo

Pantene Nature Fusion Moisture Balance Shampoo

              Rated #259 in Hair Care
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511 Reviews 4.3/5 stars
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I really like the fresh smell

I love that the bottle is better for the environment--I hope Pantene extends this to all their products! I don't think that the shampoo provides enough of a lather, though.

I am glad that Pantene is making bottles that are good for the environment, and I love the way it makes my hair smell, but Pantene shampoos and conditioners leave my hair feeling very dry and straw like. I was really hoping that the product had changed since the last time I had used it, because I love the way it smells, but sadly it did it again to my hair. I had to go back to my normal shampoo right away.

Well, I will start off by saying that yes the shampoo is rich, thick and Lucoureous as I would expect from a pantene product it was just as average as the products. The scent is very nice, clean and calming which I enjoy during a bath. Not overwhelming by any means. But... I have gone through my entire bottle and have not noticed that my hair is any less damaged than before. Does not seem to have any body. But it does clean my hair very well. I was every other day and try to squeeze in another if possible an my hair is nice and clean. I would recommend it on that fact and the scent. But that alone. Enviromentally friendly? No. I understand the bottle itself is more Eco friendly but not the cap? I'm sure there has to be something out there that would be better suited for this concept. I wouldn't reccomend it on being "nature fusion" just doesn't seem to be my idea of eco friendly. But it is an amazing start. Good job pantene!!

I love the packaging and the smell of the shampoo. I really wanted to like this product.. i was actually hoping i would like it but honestly I didn't make a difference in my hair or at least i didn't feel any difference. My scalp actually got greasy really quickly as well when i used this product compared to other shampoos i used. However, the shampoo did make my hair feel very clean.. like after using a soap bar to wash your body clean.. i have to give that a plus.. but i wish it left my hair softer =.=

It took some getting used to but I like the smell of the shampoo finally. It is a little too subtle but the ingredients are my favorite scents. I think I just expected more punch. Nevertheless, it is clean rinsing and does not dry my hair out. I used to require a weekly protein pac from the shampoo I used in the past but this is unnecessary. It is a great product.

My hair feels "squeaky clean" after I use it...not really how I like my hair to feel because I know that it may have been stripped of moisture. Luckily, I do feel that my hair feels great after I use the conditioner, so hopefully that restores the hair to normal.

I felt that the shampoo & conditioner worked well together to clean & moisturise my hair. The plant-based bottle is a great innovation, & these products do contain some herbs & natural ingredients. However they also contain artificial colours & less natural ingredients. While there were things I liked about the shampoo, there are a number of other hair care brands that are 100% natural, which I greatly prefer for the health of my hair & my overall health.

I liked the shampoo but preferred the conditioner. My hair feels very clean but I didn't love the fragerance and it. I like Pantene products overall but would use others over this shampoo.

I thought this shampoo did a pretty good job. I liked it more than Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship which I had used recently. I felt like it cleaned my hair well and I enjoyed the scent of the shampoo. I have very think hair and this shampoo did not help with frizziness.

I liked this bstyling products so iut I felt like I had to use alot to get a good lather, I dont use alot of styling products so I know its not because of build up. My hair stylist warned me about this brand but overall I like it

First, I was impressed by the "Future Friendly" bottle. While I wasn't floored by the scent of the shampoo (I really couldn't pinpoint any scent at all, honestly), I liked the way it felt in my hair. The first application was a bit greasier than I am used to, but when rinsed, it didn't feel thick or oily. Compared to other shampoos I have used, I'd consider Nature Fusion as average (something I'd consider buying if it was on sale, for instance).

The conditioner smelled great and made my hair easy to brush after getting out of the shower but it felt weighed down and got frizzy too fast

I loved the smell of this shampoo and the face that Pantene is being Eco friendly in regards to their bottles. The actual shampoo however, could use some help. Their shampoo still contains sulfates and other indregients that are anything but natural, and not to mention that are pretty bad for your hair as well. I keep this shampoo in my guest bathroom because it isn't terrible shampoo and as I said, does smell nice.

After reading through some of the other reviews, I'm wondering if we tried the same product. Let me first say that I really like Pantene products and use them pretty regularly, so I was very happy to get to try this one. However, I wasn't at all pleased with the smell of this shampoo. I have a very poor sense of smell overall, and many things I can hardly smell, but this was overwhelming as soon as I opened the bottle. That's the main reason I'm only giving it 3 stars. The scent was strong enough that I can't see myself buying Nature Fusion for that reason. Other than that, I was very happy with the shampoo. I have long hair with some damage, and it left my hair clean and very soft. I also like the fact that it contains natural ingredients, but it would be even better if it only contained natural ingredients. Overall, I thought this was a good shampoo and really liked what it did for my hair.