Summer Infant SwaddleMe

Summer Infant SwaddleMe

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57 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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My son loves to be swaddled, and we love the little burrito that results. This is a nice swaddle sack though he can wiggle out of it. It is not as nice as the Halo sleepsack but it is by far cheaper and still pretty useful

Ok product but both my children dint like being swaddled so the sleep sacks worked out for me better.

I loved the idea of this product so much. But, when it came down to trying to put my son in one -I hated it. The velcro was so strong, the tabs would catch on each other and made it impossible to get my wiggly son in to it. Using a smaller blanket does the job great.

I had these and another zipper type brand on my registry. Baby didnt like these as much. Never made diaper changes much easier for us. I could change him never waking up with backwards zipper type.

I love the idea of these swaddles, but I never could get them to fit right for my little ones. I prefer the old fashioned method of swaddling in receiving blankets or the zip up blanket "bags".

I love the colors of this product. It looked really nice but my baby did not like this. She is not good with being swaddled and this product did not help her for sleeping. She usually cries a lot and wanted to be out of this.

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sounds great..but my toddler hated it..he cried every time we would put him in this.

Love the idea of a summer swaddle but the Velcro does not hold.

This just fit our baby so awkwardly. I found it a bit difficult to understand the directions and the velcro was constantly sticking to something I wasn't trying to attach it to. I found it was just so much easier to swaddle my baby in a blanket than to constantly try to readjust this wrap.

Miracle Blankets work WAY better then these,just sayin'.

Swaddling is a must but the Velcro is just not strong enough for my little hulk!