Tostitos Artisan Recipes Fire-Roasted Chipotle Tortilla Chips

Tostitos Artisan Recipes Fire-Roasted Chipotle Tortilla Chips

              Rated #29 in Snacks & Candy
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340 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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I tried the Chipotle chips. They were very mild to me(I love my spice), but I think they had a good flavor. I tried them with guacamole and salsa, but they are also good just by themselves. I like that these are a natural product. Hopefully in the future, there are spicier options in this line. The bag is a little small for the price compared to other Tostito's chips, but I would purchase these again. I can't wait for the store to restock the Black Bean so I can try those too!

I had the Chipotle chips at first I was worried they would be really spicy because it said fire in the title. They were pretty good I did enjoy them and would recommend them to other people.

I was so thrilled to receive this sample and Tostitos has a new fan! These have a perfectly crisp texture, taste like "real" food and (as silly as this may sound) look pretty in a bowl :) I'm looking forward to trying the black bean variety.

These are a great chip. They had a great flavor and texture. The consistency of the chip was great and had just the right amount of salt. We ate them with a little hummus but afterwards I ate them with some melted cheese for the leftovers. I only wish I had extra coupons to either share or to try the other variety. We got the garlic/black bean and would have loved to try the other one. With the price of the bag ($3.99) I don't know if I would purchase these on a regular basis but loved what we had.

I really loved the FIre Roasted Chipotle. They were crispy and delicious! I would definitely buy again and serve to family and friends

We used these at a baby shower over the weekend and they were a big hit. They paired great with salsa and the kids were inhaling them straight from the bowl

I like these chips...very crunchy with a nice flavor...they go well with a dip or salsa, or even just to eat them by themselves!

I tried the Garlic and Black Bean: I liked the flavor and the thinness of the chip. I sprinkled and melted cheese on top for nachos and they were too salty, and I really like salt! I think they might be good with salsa that isn't too spicy. I would only purchase these if there was a good sale, they were different than regular chips, but quite expensive.

Tried the black bean chips and they tasted very good. The only problem I had with them was the bag had mostly broken pieces. Only a few seemed to make it whole. Quite a lot of small pieces.

I tried the roasted chipotle chips, and LOVED them. I could have eaten the whole bag by myself in one sitting. They were great by themselves, but also with dips. I even ate them on a ham sandwich. They have just enough flavor to be good, but not overwhelming. My husband thought they were only OK, but that meant more for me! My one qualm is the price. The bag is WAY too small to pay that much for. The chips were great, but not so great that I would add it to my regular grocery list. I would only purchase them again if they were on super sale or I had a really good coupon,

We love the new chips. Our family tried the Fire Roasted Chipotle (haven't found other yet) and really enjoyed the change. Usually we add salsa to tortilla chips to kick up the flavor but these are full of flavor - great with guacamole or sour cream to cool them off if that's preferred. They are thin and crisp and tasty. If we have one minor criticism (and this is a stretch) it would be that they have a slightly greasy taste. That said - we'll definitely keep buying them and recommending them. They're a hit!

I tried the garlic and black bean. It was really quite tasty, I liked it best with my homemade salsa but it was quite good alone. I hate the powdery feel of say a doritos chip, these had a slight powdery feel but not even comparable to doritos so I really recommend trying them. I will definately continue buying them.

The Black Bean Chips are great! I served them with Black Bean Hummus at a get together & they were a huge hit. Definitely the chip to get for your next party.

I bought the Fire Roasted Chipotle chips. My husband, son and I love them. They have a smokey flavor and just enough spice. I will definitely buy them again.

LOVE them...I tried the black bean & garlic-yummy! They were a little hard to find in my area though :( Finally found and was glad I was persistent! Tried them solo, then with some queso dip and finally with "texas caviar", which is a fresh mix of black beans, cilantro, avocado, lime juice, corn, etc....EXCELLENT product. Will definitely try the chipotle flavor.