Ergo Baby Carrier

Ergo Baby Carrier

              Rated #1 in Carriers
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61 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my Ergo Carrier!! Does not hurt your back like other well known carriers.

we can't say enough about how much we love the ergo. we spent time traveling while my son was around age one, the ergo carrier was indispensable. after a while, you don't even think about the price, it is absolutely worth it.

I bought this after my Moby got too hot in the summer. It breaths. I also have back and hip problems and I could carry my little guy until after he was 2. I am short and he is a big guy, I loved this.

I am so bummed I didn't have this for my first child! I love this carrier and think everyone should have one. When my daughter was young she loved to sleep in this. The hood that protects them while they are sleeping is so smart! You can put the child on front, side and back. I carry my 2 1/2 year old on my back everyday. My sister-in-law still carries her 5 year old son on her back at Disneyland! Worth every penny and more!!!!

Would use this for every baby Loved this carrier. It was great for traveling through the airport and security. I was able to keep it on with my baby and go through the metal detectors. We took this to Disneyworld and on many walks throughout our neighborhood. I think this helps keep baby close to you, and keeps baby feeling safe. My personal negative about this is that it attracted lint very quickly. I was constantly lint brushing the carrier and straps. If I had to buy one I would buy a light color and not the black for that reason.

Baby wearing must have I've seen a lot of reviews stating this was a regret purchase because of it not be able to support newborn infant weight. With most of the top of the line baby carriers such as this, an infant insert will be needed in your carrier to help support your infant and wear them safely. You can purchase these on various websites, just about anywhere that sells the Ergo carrier. This carrier is optimal for comfort and is most impressive because of how easy it is to get baby in and out. You can front our back carry depending on your babies weight as well. All in all, a great product and a good investment for just about any parent.

Quick and easy ups with baby We got our first Ergo in 2011 when we were expecting our first child. It was the tip of the iceberg for me getting into babywearing, so obviously at the beginning I was nervous about having everything just right. The Ergo is pretty much a no-frills carrier, in my opinion, and you really can't screw much up. It's super easy to use and fairly comfortable. I say fairly comfortable because since 2011, we have added many woven wraps and a mei tei to the mix and those are so much more secure feeling for me. I do have broad shoulders and I still feel sometimes as if the straps of the Ergo are too far apart and might slip off my shoulders. I've corrected and tightened the back and arm straps to help this, but it's just the overall I cannot fathom how narrow parents can wear this comfortably and confidently. It's a great carrier to leave in the trunk of your car for any unplanned stops or trips. It's great for quick up's with baby (like running errands) and is quickly adjusted so any member of the family can carry baby. I do appreciate that it washes up really well... I toss ours in the washer and line dry (although, I have tossed in the dryer before too).

Nice but a bit pricey

Not very padded It's ok in a pinch, but lacks adequate shoulder padding. I much prefer the Tula.

I purchased an Ergo for use with my son. I really tried to use it, and even went back to the store several times, but just never got the hang of it. The person, I gave it to loved it. It's one of the purchases that I regret making, as I never used it and it wasn't cheap.

I purchased this to use with my 2 month old baby during a family vacation to Sea World and around town. I had heard rave reviews and this was the reason for this purchase. We got the Ergo in Lilac and paid $125 or so. I thought it was ok. We used it without the infant insert and she was comfortable in it. For something claiming to be ergonomic I found that it put a lot of strain on the shoulders and neck. It took a lot of adjusting to get it to not over stress those areas. It was a big cumbersome to get the baby in and out of it but it served it's purpose. It also did not have the ability to face baby forward which was not ideal since as my baby got older she wanted to look around and could not. The up side is that my 3 year old could ride it on my back and that was nice for when the baby was in the stroller and the toddler was getting tired. Once I got the Britax Baby carrier I gave up the Ergo permanently. It was no longer the most comfortable baby wearing option. The good thing is the Ergo holds up its value for resale. I was able to resell the used Ergo for around $90.

I think I have the older version where the back is not as high. Had my daughter in it since about 2 months when she got to be too heavy to be in the Bjorn w/o lumbar support. Went on 1-1.5 hour walks with her and she'd fall asleep (no need for the infant head support). Love the pockets for keys and such.

This was my first Structured carrier. The material is a little stiff and they have very few styles available. I liked this carrier at the beginning however I switched to a Tula soon after purchase. I wish they would make a removable hood and maybe a little less shoulder padding it is kinda bulky.

This is my daily use baby carrier. It is a little hard to use on my own with getting the baby in it but with some ingenuity I can manage. Once the baby gets to a certain weight it becomes a burden and hurts your back.

I purchased this based off of so many positive reviews. Unfortunately, none of the reviews I found nor the product description mentioned that I would not be able to use this without the infant carrier when the baby is under four months of age, despite having exceeded the weight limit of the infant carrier. My baby is past the minimum weight requirement, but was not old enough to use the carrier. I think this had to do with the fact that at a young age, the baby's hip and legs aren't able to spread out enough for the carrier to work. Additionally, the instructions are very visual (images rather than wordy description). Good for the visual minded, but it took me a little while to really understand how to adjust the carrier properly for my body stature. It isn't very easy to adjust by myself, so I needed help with the initial set up. Once that is done, however, it isn't so hard to put the baby in the carrier on my own.