Walmart Store

Walmart Store

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I have several qualms with shopping at Walmart. The stores are not very clean and often look junky. While I understand product must be unloaded to fill shelves, trying to navigate the commotion and boxes stacked in the aisle is very unpleasant. One of my biggest complaints is the length of time meat and other perishables are left in carts behind customer service before they are put back out in the coolers. This is a health risk. While I have many more complaints regarding Walmart's use of Southeast Asia as it's own private factory, it would take entirely too much space to express my concerns. Given this, I submit my store complaints instead of company as a whole complaints.

Dirty, unethical, inhumane, greedy, and self-serving. I refuse to shop at my local Walmart due to some horrible incidents I've witnessed.

I hate Walmart and can't think of a single person that likes shopping there. The only reason why people do shop there is because they have low prices and people can't afford to shop anywhere else. Their products are low quality, their stores are ALWAYS dirty (especially the bathrooms) and nothing is organized. Once an item goes out of stock, it takes them a month to get that item back in. Employees are rude and not even worth minimum wage. I typically use self checkout but the last time I went to a cashier, it took two of them to count the money I have them! If you are a cashier, you should at least know how to add and subtract without the help of a machine.

Walmart is not my go to unless I really have to. There are never enough employees to help a customer and lines are long. They are not good at the register when I use a coupon and online purchases require $50 which is more than there competitors!

Only if you truly need to go there Only shop here for butt wipes Customer service is wretched & I DON'T support child labor - cost .30$ for a remote control car & Wal-Mart sells it for 60$ - TRUE STORY - not to mention their lack of respect for employees & INTENTIONALLY only working them (employees) 35hr or less AS NOT TO HONOR health insurance

Worse by the day Over the years, I've witnessed how terrible these stores, corporate, and managers have become. I feel sorry for the employees as they make less than enough to pay rent in the bi-weekly pay, they get worked too much for the pay they get. Unfortunately this store has it all at good prices which makes many people go back every time.

It's Wal-Mart that is all that can be said really Let me start by saying I live in tennessee so this review isn't against all Wal-Mart's. Just the ones in my area. We have 2. One on the easy side of town is horrible. The staff is horrible. The management is horrible and the store itself needs to be shut down and fixed. There's always an issue regarding there stock. The west end of town, has a newer stir and they are definitely better then east end . The employees are helpful, respectful, and very informative of there's stock. We also have a Wal-Mart neighborhood market on our east side and they too are very respectful and helpful. there prices are cheaper the the big Wal-Mart 2 miles away. There employes are always asking if customers need assistance. The managers are always visible to customer making sire they found the item or got the service they needed. I drive the extra 2 miles to the market before I go to the east end big Wal-Mart any day. If I order on line I pick it up from either west end or market.

Not good business practices I'm not a fan of Walmart unfortunately. I really try to avoid this store. Their practices for employment and what the buyers do to manufacturers and companies - essentially forcing them to sell the product to Walmart at whatever prices is demanded, regardless of product manufacturing and labor costs, really turned me off to this company. I know they've improved, but they sell cheap products and avoid full time employees with benefits. Just not a good company in my book. I hope they improve.

No customer service Walmart use to be the place to go. I didn't know anyone that did not use Walmart for all their needs. Walmart seems less customer oriented and more about the bottom line instead. Using the store you will be forced to ring up and bag your own products because if they even have a register open with a cashier then the line is so long that you have to have a lot of time available. Trying to bring back a product to the store you are treated as though they believe you stole it. Customer Service really sucks. Walmart use to be my favorite store but now I avoid it at all cost. I use Dollar General, Dollar Tree, and our local grocery store.

I just heard in the news they have increased their prices dramatically over the past year, as they continue to talk about cutting prices. You get the impression they have low prices but if you pay close attention you can tell they are quietly raising the prices to match standard grocery store prices. They should just advertise and not keep saying lower prices, when they are creeping up.

walmart is a decent place to shop . the selection is a little limited though.

Im not the biggest Walmart fan. The stores in my area are always over crowded and the cashiers are never friendly. I use coupons frequently and the Walmarts in our area are not coupon friendly at all. Honestly I can get better prices and nicer cashiers at CVS or Kroger.

Walmart is nice because of the one stop shop. However I'm not a big fan after they stopped with layaway.

I wish there was a Super Target near me also. I love Target. Walmart seems to be getting worse. I do enjoy the idea of being able to go to one place and get everything you need in one stop but I can't stand the atmosphere in general. I've come across some of the laziest and most rude employees ever at Walmart. I had a cashier actually hide an item and place it off to the side because she needed a price check on it and she didn't want to have to deal with finding out the price. When confronted with what she did, she became rude and said she was supposed to get off work in a few minutes!

The quality of merchandise Wal-Mart carries has definately declined, the lines are long and the prices keep going up on the food. One day I bought coffee and paid around $7 and the next week it jumped to $11, and then it went to $9. Need I say more? I used to do all my grocery shopping there, but I cringe at the thought to even run in and get something because I know I can obtain it cheaper somewhere else and the time I stand in line for just one item isn't worth the product.