Dawn Original Dishwashing Liquid

Dawn Original Dishwashing Liquid

              Rated #4 in Cleaning Supplies
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55 Reviews 5.0/5 stars
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Dawn dishwashing liquid not just for dishes We have been Dawn for years. one reason is it save wildlife. We also use it for laundry. Boyfriend is a chef and can get grease on his clothes. It gets the grease out and gets the clothes clean.

Versatile! I buy no other dish detergent than Dawn dish soap. I rescue many kittens and need to bathe them in something that kills fleas instantly and this works! Not only for that but also for dishes! No grease is a match to Dawn dish soap. I also use it as a hand soap because I?m always cleaning litter boxes. I trust Dawn dish detergent to stand up to all of my cleaning needs!

Best detergent Only dish detergent in use, really helps remove grease.

Best Dish Soap! I have used many dish soaps over the years and Dawn is the best for cutting into those greasy pots and pans. I have also used it to get stains out of clothes. I put it on the stain and let it sit for awhile, gently scrub and poof, out it comes. I used it the other day to take blood out of a pillow case. Dawn and cold water and bye bye blood!

Best dish soap! Only dish soap I use! It cuts grease and leaves my dishes shiny and clean. Never have to scrub very much on stuck on food like with other products I've used in the past.

Love it. Love the quality of this dishwasher, it's just the best.

Clean the first time around every time and multi purpose. I love this dawn dish detergent.

Dawn is the GOAT of dish detergents Dawn has been my go-to dish detergent for almost 30 years. I had a pair of white jeans when I was very young ... walking with friends ... I kick an oil can and get the oil all over my jeans. When I took them off, I put dawn on to cover all of what had the oil ... the jeans washed like new. I have been using it ever since. It is great for getting grease off of the stove and wiping down cabinets. I just wish they would bring back the botanicals ... cherry blossom. I may have one of the last full-size bottles around. The original always works though. I love Dawn. I see why they use it for animals ... it's gentle and doesn't have a strong chemical smell.

First choice for dishes and alternative pet wash As someone with pets, dawn dish soap (specifically the original) is fantastic at not only getting crusty dishes clean but safe to use as bath soap for cats and dogs where you can even use it as an emergency flea shampoo if you mix it with a little salt. Cats are usually good at keeping themselves clean, but every now and then, they'll get into mischief and a bath is necessary. A little dawn in some apple cider vinegar makes for a great fruit fly trap during the more humid months as well!

Obvious Decision Dawn is by far the best at making sure it cuts any amount of grease and preventing staining. I dye my hair frequently and rarely do I find myself engaging in clean up without it

An oldie but a goodie! Dawn Original Dishwashing Detergent is a must-have staple around the house. From killing fleas to squeaky clean dishes, this soap can do almost anything! Plus it softens your hands as you wash your dishes. My Mother refused to any other dish soap and now I understand why. I've tried many other brands over the years in an effort to save money but they all fall short. The only other soap I will use is Dawn's new spray on soap!

Dawn is my multi-purpose go to product and I use it on a daily basis. Sure, it gets those glasses, dishes, pots, and pans absolutely clean, but it does a lots more. I use Dawn to clean my stove and countertops, the microwave, and in my laundry to remove grease stains. And, yes, I even wash my hands with Dawn while washing the dishes.

awesome dawn soap works great on dishes /car rims/the dogs when they get nasty along side other things. my parents always had dawn around the house and now that i'm an adult i can understand why lol .

Must!! Amazing when needing something to help get rid of grease/stains of any kind. Does not require much scrubbing either. Can use this for several different reasons as well!

Lots of uses! There is so many other uses for Dawn Original Dishwashing Liquid besides getting your dishes squeaky clean! I've even heard (but not tried yet) that putting a drop of Dawn on a tick will make it back out!!! Definitely going to try if ever need to! This stuff will kill mosquitoes in standing water too!