Johnson's Soothing Vapor Baby Bath

Johnson's Soothing Vapor Baby Bath

              Rated #3 in Bath & Potty
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53 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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we use this anytime my son is having cold/allergy issues. it works pretty well, and isnt overpowering.

Disclaimer: I don't have kids... I use this product for myself, for when I get a cold, I take a hot shower at night with this and hop into bed or just relax and makes me feel a lot better. Anyway who said baby product can only be used by babies, right? ;)

When my son wasn't able to breathe due to a stuffy nose, this helped more than anything. He'd calm down and go to sleep after a bath in this.

Flu and cold season are no match when I have soothing Vapor in my bathwater. When ever I start to notice signs that my son is coming down with something I give him a super long bath with 3 cap fulls of this and that's as far as the illness gets. Works for adults too:)

It great too use and when a child has a cold it really works

My little one would not sleep at all at night but now if we bathe him using this baby wash he sleeps very well, even through the night :)!

I love the smell of it ,and its safe on their skin and make the feel better when the have a cold

Best bath time product when my little guy is sick! Ive even used it in the shower a few times when I have been sick! Works wonders but still not too overwhelming for little ones! Just right!

Can not wait to try this product I have heard such great feedback about it!

Use this all the time when my little ones are stuffed up. The vapor amount is perfect in the tub and gives them the relief they need and the smell is wonderful.

This product works well when the little ones are sick. They take a bath with this stuff and it well. put them to sleep and help with that little cold.

Great for when my little one has been sick! I've seen that it relaxes him when he is fussy due to the stuffy nose and fever. We give him a nice warm bath with this and his nose clears up a bit and he starts to relax. Usually, we follow up with baby rub on his chest and he will go out! I've tried it as well when i have had a stuffy nose or when i've been stressed all day and it worked wonders! Always have at least one bottle in the house at all times!

love this not only for my granddaughter but for my bubble bathes i wish i could buy it in a super big bottle so i have allot of bottles in my hallway closet

Helpful during cold and flu season When my boys were little and had colds or stuffy noses, I would use Johnson's soothing vapor bath to gently ease their congestion. It isn't overpowering, and the wash gently cleans the skin.

Great products for colds Such a great item to use when your children are sick. I love using this when my kids have colds the vapors in it helped open them up with the steam from the bath!