Ergo Baby Carrier

Ergo Baby Carrier

              Rated #1 in Carriers
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61 Reviews 4.7/5 stars
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This is a wonderful carrier. Bought as shower gifts for both my daughter and daughter in law. My grand-daughter woudl fall asleep instantly when snuggled in there. Now she is 2 1/2 and still loves to ride in it when hiking. They are expecting their 2nd child this winter and asked for another so they can take both children hiking. It is wonderful to have them close and secure and be hands free. So worth the price!!

I loved this when I used it. I'm not a big baby-wearer, but I bought this to replace my Baby Bjorn for those times I did want to wear my son and before our trip to Disney World. It ended up being extremely useful when my son outgrew his infant carrier before he was too steady to sit up in grocery carts, and it was during this stage that I used it the most. He always seemed very happy in this, and I was very comfortable too. There were even several times I was able to do my shopping with him fast asleep in the Ergo!

I was a bjorn fan. But my 18 month son didnt like the crotch carrier. So i splurged and bought the ergo sport. I can wear it as a back carrier, front carrier or a hip carrier. My son was totally upset when it was time for him to get down. I am on the heavy set side and with the extender it has been a life saver!

I love the Ergo because the baby's weight is on your hips, rather than your back and shoulders (i.e. Baby Bjorn). I wish I would have bought this from the very beginning. My daughter loves it and falls asleep in it. I also love that you can wear it on your back.

I absolutely love my ergo sport. I can put my daughter in it while going to the store and she stays calm the whole time allowing me to shop like I need to. It's also very soothing for her when she's just fussy and wants to be near mommy, but I can still get what I need to done around the house! It's comfortable, it's supportive for me and baby and I would recommend it above all other carriers - especially all those crotch danglers you can find everywhere!

I LOVE my Ergo! We used this once my daugthe rhad adequate head support all the way up 'till she was 3 1/2 years old (back carry). Such a comfortable carrier and so safe and supportive for both parent and baby. Fantastic!

I love this baby carrier. It's very comfortable and the Bjorn made my back hurt. Both my husband and I love using this carrier to hold the baby. It's comfortable for both baby and parent and it doesn't cause any back pains! :)

I tried this when my first child was almost 11months during hiking a mountain. I regret for not having from the get go. I enjoy wearing it while on the move, shopping, household chores, and hiking especially. My babies always had a wonderful nap. Its a bit expensive but totally worth every penny as many others have suggested.

A friend of mine had this and I tried it out with my second child when she was about a year old. By then, she was so mobile and energetic that the sleepy wraps were no longer as convenient as they used to be. The ergo baby is so easy to put on and take off, and so comfortable. Even my older child who was 3 at the time asked to be in it. They are 2.5 and 4 now, and every once in a while when they are especially sleepy when we are out and about, they still ask to be in it. They are about 25lbs and 36lbs, and it is still easy on the back to wear. The carrier shifts all the weight to your legs, so they get a really great workout with the heavier babies! The only thing I would wish is for it to be more packable; it's kind of bulky and doesnt come with its own pouch like some other carriers. It's still much easier to use and transport than baby bjorns, by far, but not quite as easy as the all cloth carriers that just fold down to nearly nothing. This was obviously something I willingly lived with, though. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone.

It's very good! It makes carrying around the little ones so much easier! I will definitely be using this for all of my children!

This is - hands down - the best baby carrier you can buy. It is one of the more expensive ones, but it takes the pressure off your back and shoulders, while letting baby sit comfortably.

Best baby carrier I have ever owned. I have tried just about every wrap, carrier and sling and this one is the only one I have felt 100% satisfied with. Baby fits snuggly inside and is so comfortable she actually SLEEPS while we shop making for easy shopping trips for me. I feel the way it is designed helps allow her to sit properly and securely. I would recommend this carrier to everyone having a baby, wish the price was lower but it is what it is and this carrier is worth every cent!

I LOVE this carrier! My baby LOVES it!! It saved me! It does not hurt your back at all! My son is very fussy and he would only sleep in the Ergo! I would recommend it to anyone! In fact I carry their cards in my Ergo to give out to people. People always stop me and ask where I got it. :)

This is my favorite thing that I have bought since my son was born! It's so quick and easy to put on and he just loves being in it! Anytime he has trouble falling asleep I put him in this carrier and he out within a few minutes.As long as I have the straps tight enough I don't have any back pain the way I do with just holding him.

I have tried all sorts of child carriers. And ergo has my heart in the easy to use Ergo Carrier! I dnt have to sit there and fidget with mile long fabric, or worry about if i tied the knot tight enough , or if the babies hips are just right. Nanny of thee and use it even with the toddlers! comfortable , easy to use and seconds to snap on! Thank you Ergo! Easy to clean if you get some spit up on too! Highly recommend to all baby wearers! If i see someone with another carrier, sling, wrap .. i show them what my ergo can do!