Baby Jogger City Mini Single Stroller

Baby Jogger City Mini Single Stroller

              Rated #2 in Strollers
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25 Reviews 4.8/5 stars
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Folds so small and flat! My husband and I own the 4 wheeled version of this stroller and we love it. We bought this stroller because our ordinal stroller took up so much room in our car that there was never room for anything else. We couldn't take it with us on trips to see family because it was so large. This city mini hands so flat and small that we have plenty of room for everything else we need to travel. Even though we have two kids now and own a double stroller, this stroller is still our go to when we need extra space in the car!

I first noticed this stroller while at Walt Disney World and took it for a spin. It is so smooth and folds easily. We have a Phil and Ted Vibe for two but In wanted something a little less bulky when I just had the little one with me. We made the mistake of buying the Joovey and In wish I would have purchased this instead.

I love this stroller. It's light weight, easy to fold, sleek looking and smooth riding. I would recommend it to anyone to use. It folds small to fit into any car space too! The cons to it would be the storage basket is small and I can to get a storage system for cups/phone holding. It's super easy to navigate with one hand I LOVE IT!!

This is amazing! I LOVE this stroller!!! It is the easiest to fold up. The canopy is huge. It moves so easily. It can go up curbs, over stones, and over bumps without any problem. If there is any downside, its that you have to buy accessories separately. But it's not enough of a reason to make me like it any less. We've also taken it to Disney World and it was no problem on the plane or taking it anywhere.

I love this the best super light and easy..

This is the PERFECT jog stroller for my lifestyle. I am not a runner by any means but I can slowly jog and I like having a stroller with bigger wheels and good steering to take the park. This stroller is IT! It maneuvers SO well and has a surprising amount of storage. I did have to order a snack tray separately which was a little annoying but I love the stroller overall.

I actually sell the Baby Jogger City Mini. I love this stroller because it is lightweight, making it great for travel. Has an easy fold, making it perfect to hold baby in one arm and fold the stroller with the other. It also functions like a full service stroller giving you plenty of storage underneath and a great recline for sleepy kids. There will be a new City Mini GT which will be introduced February, 2012 that will give you all terrain mini tires...

Best stroller ever! We went through three strollers before getting this one. We rented it while at WDW and fell in love so when we got home we bought one of our own. Now with two kids there was no question that we would upgrade to a double.

I have the double and I absolutely love it, I was really worried I would have a hard time getting through doors and isles, but we haven't met a door we cant fit through . I did not like the belly bar and tray, the tray never stayed where I put it. But the stroller 5 star a all the way.

I have the double stroller and it is fabulous. Light weight, super easy to close, canopy goes all the way down, and I can push it w/ one hand easily.