Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel

Scrubbing Bubbles Toilet Cleaning Gel

              Rated #88 in Cleaning Supplies
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33 Reviews 4.1/5 stars
81% Recommended
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These work really well. When you first start using them you have to make sure you don't put it in a place where a lot of water hits it or it won't last long at all. We had to experiment with it a few time to get it in the right spot. They seem to last pretty long and have a fresh scent.

Great for disinfecting the toilet and keeping of the bathroom smelling great

I like to use scrubbing bubbles to keep my toilets clean and also to disinfect. It is a good smelling product!

nothing feels better than knowing things are really clean. my butt will be grateful to perch on a clean seat for a change. the smell of the chemicals lets me know it's effective..

This gel does a great job at disinfecting and deodorizing, but does not stay in the toilet for very long.

Love this stuff. I have really bad hard water and it build up like crazy in my toilet bowl and I don't have time to scrub my toilet everyday. I've tried the Clorox tabs but didn't see much of an improvement with the hard water plus it's not that safe if little kids or pets get into the toilet bowl (they're so sneaky). I finally decided to try these and they have really helped. They were cheaper than the tabs too. It's like cleaning my toilet everyday without sacrificing my time to do it. The gel is toilet cleaner so you get a flush of cleaner every time which is great at fighting build up. It doesn't replace cleaning your toilet but it makes it a lot easier and less often. Thanks scrubbing bubbles!

I love this product! It keeps the toilet cleaner longer than without it, and it smells good. I gave it 4 stars - would have given it 5, but occasionally it falls off the side immediately after placing it.

Great products.Does a great job at keeping stains away & bad odors!

I think these work ok. They don't clean as well as I would like, but they keep the bathroom smelling good for a while. With two boys, that's important.

I recieved this product to try for free, and i like it, but not love it. The gel comes off nice and easy but i cant get it close enough to the rim so its not noticed. It does keep the toliet clean i love that I dont have to clean the toliet as often!

not only does this cleaner work pretty well considering my water is very hard but it keeps the bathroom smelling cleaner for days after application

Helps the bathroom stay fresh and in between cleanings is okay but really doesn't0 do anything for toilet rings.

its ok the smell doesnt agree with my dog but it cleans good

Works ok but doesn't last long and seems too thin of a consistency.

Not a fan. I feel when people come over they are looking at the green goo stuck on the wall of my toilet. Id rather just clean it.