Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

Dr. Seuss Oh, The Places You'll Go!

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Another great book our little guys loves that we have in paper copy and on our kindle.

This is one of my favorite books of all time! I even used it in an ESL class I taught to adults in Spain to introduce to them famous children's authors from America. It teaches some of the best life lessons with beautiful pictures---truly a book you can grow old with.

I have always been an avid reader from an early age. I wanted to instill the love of reading in my children as well. I introduced them to the Dr. Seuss series and they have loved each and every one of them. This one has been a favorite since I first read it to them.It's such a fun and encouraging story to be enjoyed by all, for generations to come.

This is a Great book with deep messages revealed to every child in a new way with each reading!

Great book for all ages! Teaches us important life lessons

We love reading this book

This is one of my favorites Dr. Suess books. I love how tells how there are so many places and new things to do. I read this to my kids for many years and also gave them each a signed copy with a note inside when they graduated high school!

we have this book at home and its the most craziest book! We love reading it all the time!

Instant classic! That's all that needs to be said!!!

This book is too cute! I love Dr. Seuss!

Another great read from Dr. Suess! We have so many books!!!

Love this book even as an adult. Great message in it for everyone!

Awesome book!! I bought this for my 8 yr old because of her reading troubles. She's at a lower reading level then the rest of the kids in her class and I could tell she was getting depressed. She no longer wanted to go to school and would make up excuses of why she shouldn't go to school. I felt really bad because besides from getting help from me and a tutor, the school wouldn't sign off on getting her extra help. So when i read this book to her it was like a light went off in her head. Now she loves to read and her reading is getting back on track and now she begs me to allow her to go to school (when the school is close). This book inspired her to be the best, that she would have some highs and lows,ups and downs but no matter what don't give up.

Books that you can read over and over and over again.

I am going to buy this book for my daughter. I want to have all her teachers sign it and give it to her when she graduates. I will do it for my son as well! Love Dr. Suess books!