Bumbo Baby Seat

Bumbo Baby Seat

              Rated #55 in Other
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331 Reviews 4.0/5 stars
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This was really great having around the house during 'situp' time and anytime we wanted our daughter to be upright and involved with what we were doing in the kitchen!

We used this with the tray to feed my son in when he was around 5 months old (Before he got too big.) He loved it and seemed very comfortable in it. Yes you most certainly use it on the floor to prevent falls. As for judgemental comments about leaving babies unattended, you shouldnt make assumptions about everyone. Could the same comment be made about cribs, play yards etc? if you are a good parent of course you keep an eye on your child. No product can replace responsible parenting.

over priced and a way for parents to leave babies unattended while they are off doing what they want. bad parenting!

Awesome for helping my kids learn to sit up and hold their head up well. Their thighs would get stuck in it, but they loved sitting instead of laying down on the floor!

Great if your kid fits. Both of my kids had thighs too big for the seat even though they were less than 6 months old. My son is now 3 y/o and now that I tell him the seat is for his 4.5 month old sister (who can barely fit), he loves it. Plus, now he fits it fine. Go figure.

I loved using the Bumbo seat with my son!

I didnt know what these were 16-20 years ago when i had my first children, we relied on pillows to provide stability to a newly sitter. When I had my 5 yr old these were the must haves, I managed to pick one up at target without a box and paid $10(associate not realizing the $40 price tag). These are easy to use esp on the floor, recommended for the floor so your lil one doesnt get hurt. Totally padded and soft, many color combos and now with trays for the ease of finger foods or toys.

hated it, my grandson hated it, and now I see they have been recalled, what does that tell you. my grandson did not seem comfortable in it, he was squashed, not a good seat for boys.

I hate that these have gotten bad reviews over safety, when it is really the parents who are not doing their job. This seat is to assist babies to learn to sit up on their own...not to be used as a babysitter for your young infant! Of course babies fall when they aren't being watched and cannot support themselves yet! I loved this seat and so did my son. We used it as his feeding seat when we did not have the space for a full highchair. I just sat him in it on the ground and sat right in front of him. We waited to use it until he seemed ready and was trying to sit up on his own. we never left him unattended, so we never had any accidents. It specifically says not to leave your child unattended in this seat. Please do not be scared away by horror stories of this product, it is a great product.

I bought a used seat for my four-month-old son. I am aware of the recall, but I NEVER intend to leave him in the seat alone, much less on an elevated surface. He loves being able to sit up and look at the world. I love that even though he can't sit up on his own, yet he essentially can sit up with the Bumbo. I don't feel that people should blame the manufacturer for their children's injuries. It is their fault for being negligent.

this is great love this thing :)) my son can sit up on his own now this does really help and no am not making this up it really helps

i really like this seat. my sister did too and she just went and bought one also

I loved my daughters Bumbo I used it to have her sit to brush her hair feed her sometimes and to have her near me if i was going to be in the kitchen or shower. It was great until she learned to get out I was getting a bottle for her and i cam back and she was sitting on the floor so great product while she stayed in it.

This was a great product while it lasted. It is kind of pricy when you realize your baby will only use it for a couple of months. My son used his just a handful of times between the time he needed assistance sitting up (but could hold his head on his own) and the time his legs were too big for comfort and could sit on his own in a highchair booster seat. I guess for the most part I would say if you get a good deal on it buy it but if not it is something you don't really NEED for the baby.

a must have for out doors