Sara Gruen Water for Elephants

Sara Gruen Water for Elephants

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Everytime I think of this book, I get a great feeling. I loved it. I told everyone that it is a must read and went and bought my husband the digatil copy. The characters come to life and you have actual feelings for them. I am afraid to watch the movie because I don't think it can compare with the book. Everyone that has not read this book needs to now. Loved it.

I was in a book club and this was one of the picks, wasn't really something I'd pick myself but couldn't be happier that they chose this book! The story just pulls you in from the very beginning, not only can you not wait to see what's going to happen but you can't even believe it when it does. It's an amazing story filled with an even more amazing love. By far one of the best books I've ever read! (But the movie was terrible, those two had NO chemistry at all!)

I read this as apart of a book club. Was. It sure how I would like it but I loved it. A great read

I also, could not put this down. It's a fairly easy read, very well written, and gave me true insight into aging. Great love story!

Absolutely loved this book and couldn't wait for the movie to come out. Well written and I couldn't put it down.

This book was great...I loved it great characters...the movie is next on my list.

Loved this book. It caught my attention from the very beginning and I could not read it fast enough. I know it was made into a movie, but I cannot bear to watch it because I will be so very dissapointed if it cannot live up to the book. Read it now! You will be so glad you did...

I also loved this book... I enjoyed how it begins with an elderly man he story of his life and comes back around to him in the ending. It really makes you think about how an elderly person has lived an entire lifetime and has a story to tell and we often don't take the time to listen to them. I thought it was a well written, very good detailed book. Might be a little "old" for a young adult as there is some content that I deem more "adult".. GREAT read though .

I love this book! Once you pick it up you will not be able to put it down!

This was both an excellent book as well as an excellent movie. They were both a little different but well worth reading/watching.

I loved this book. I read it long before i ever knew a movie was going to be based on it. It's a unique adventure, and very entertaining. By the title, I had no idea what to expect from the book, but it was not disappointing. I haven't seen the movie yet because I so often prefer the book, and I'm afraid the movie doesn't do the book justice.

greta book! read it in 2 days!

Great book.......I could feel myself there with the characters.

Absolutely love this book. One of my favorites! Brings you right into the story and I felt almost like I was there!

Both the book and movie are wonderful.. The visual and mental imagery were a story that will stick with me forever! My husband, 6yr old and I just enjoyed how vivid the imagery was told in the story... Then the movie had us awe struck!