Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Todder Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Vanilla Flavor

Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Todder Ready-to-Drink Milk Drinks, Vanilla Flavor

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I had 2 children who tried it. My 3 year old son loved it and still asks for more. He chose it over juice and regular milk when I'd give him a choice. My 1 year old daughter wasn't as big of a fan. She drank the vanilla but not the natural. The boxes were a neat idea, and I loved the straws.

My son loved both flavors of Enfagrow PREMIUM Older Todder Ready-to-Drink Milk. This is something I feel great about giving my child and the children I babysit for. It a very healthy alternative to juice boxes.

This review will be identical to my review on the Enfagrow Toddler Natural Milk flavored because my sweet girls reaction was the same to both. I love Enfamil it really is a brand I trust. I was very excited to receive this product to review and was not disappointed. It was so easy to grab and go. My 3 year old is picky with a lot of things and she very happily drank this milk. I would definitely buy this. She was smiling the whole time she was drinking it. She is not a big talker so her smile said it all!!

My daughter didn't like this product as all. I tried several times, but she just was not a fan :(

My child did not like the taste. I liked the concept, though.

My daughter loved this but the straw kept folding back on itself into the box. I ended up having to pour the milk in a cup. But love the concept and my daughter loved the taste

If it was on sale or cheap, I might buy it for travelling, but my daughter prefers regular milk.

My son liked this and I did too. The straw was neat, I was pleased it didn't spill. I didn't read the directions right and broke a straw once (oops). Portable milk is always a good thing in my house.

Good idea, but too artificial! My kids did not like the "vitamin" flavor, and I didn't like the list of ingredients. If it was a little more natural, and maybe a stronger (chocolate, banana) flavor would help.

Surely a great idea. I just felt wasteful when my guy wouldn't drink more than 2sips. I shared with his daycare and the kids all liked it. Not sure what it was with my kiddo.

I have twin 4 yr old daughters and they both didn't like it. I was so hoping they would because it's easy to use, I like that there are extra vitamins, etc. But I could NOT get them to drink it. I tasted the vanilla and it wasn't that bad but the plain milk flavor just smelled bad, or like a formula smell so I don't blame them for not drinking it. I think this is better aimed at kids right after being taken off formula. I think 4 is too old. Maybe if I tried this at age 2 or younger, they might have liked it. Unfortunately we won't be buying it. MAYBE if they had chocolate or strawberry???

My kids loved this! they kept asking for more.

my kids finished most of them not bad but the price was ridiculous

My kids didn't like it at all. I've tried it to find out why they hated it so much. Well, it tastes to much like infant formula. Lol.

I gave this to my two year old and he actually drank some! Considering he gave up milk and refuses to drink it after we took away the bottle, this was amazing! He actually went and picked a carton out of the pantry to drink it. My husband and I both tried it and it tasted like soy milk to us. If my kid will drink it then I will definitely be buying some more.