Carmex Lip Balm

Carmex Lip Balm

              Rated #3 in Makeup - Lips
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263 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
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This is greatttt in the OKC weather especially during the recent ice storm when your lips are dry

Love Carmex. This stuff is great right when you buy it, but it gets gross after awhile. Tastes really bad, but it works well.

CarMex is my best friend during the winter season. Leaves my lips smooth and I don't have to worry about chapped lips or wind burn.

This is my favorite brand of lip balm! During the cold season, I suffer daily from chapped lips. This is the only product that soothes all day and stops my lips from cracking and it helps a lot with the ugly winter lips. Works great overnight as well. This product is a must! Carmex is always at my bedside, and purse too. I like to use it under my lip gloss, for a longer lasting effect as well.

omg CarMax lip Balm work so good for me I buy it ever time I go to the store..

Carmex is does a great job keeping lips supple and moisturized. Great for keeping lips from getting chapped in the cold winter months or on hot summer days. Its a must have!

Tried and tested since I was about 13. The best lip balm out there for the price. The smell alone brings back teenage memories of flannel and chucks. Hahaha. Seriously though, don't waste money on those other brands, this one is perfect.

I have been using Carmex for years. The formula is the same and provides the same results as always. I love the medicated feel. I really dont care to dip my finger in the little tub. So I always get the stick or tube.

Its good for chapped lips

I have been using Carmex for years and I am never without a tube. Its the only thing that works my severe dry lips I get during the winter months. I love lipgloss and chapsticks but Carmex works when your lips are dry. I loved the pots when I was in highschool.

This is my go to chap stick for chapped lips. Great for healing.

I get the most severe chapped lips. Carmex takes care of it in a flash. The only thing I don't like about the pot is you have to use you finger. I also love the scent.

My daughter uses this alot to help with cold sore buy she uses it for daily moisturizer as well

Carmax works amazing for cold sores and fever blisters. It is greasey and kinda stinky but it does it job and does it great! :)

love it