Always Infinity Pad

Always Infinity Pad

              Rated #4 in Feminine Care
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235 Reviews 4.6/5 stars
94% Recommended
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absorbs very well

The only pad I will use. Maybe thin but hold well.

These pads are the best I've ever tried before... They come a bit pricey, but are completely worth it. They are super absorbant and last sooo long, almost all day, depending on how heavy your flow is. They are perfect for day use like if you're going to an amusement park all day or something similar to that. They keep you feeling dry and comfortable all day long. Try to catch these on a sale and stock up on the coupons that regularly come in the box and you're set!

I like these pads for regular use on my heavier days. They are thin enough that you can't tell I'm wearing a pad and that's important. All pads can feel a bit like a diaper now and then, even these, but when I used tampons I felt like I was plugged up and it made my periods worse.

These are by far the best pads for daytime use out there. Even though they are super thin (you hardly even notice it's there) they absorb a ton and need to be changed waaay less than other pads do.

I absolutely Love these pads for daytime coverage when I don't need a maxipad for really heavy coverage (sometimes those are the only things that will do!). These are light, thin, and absorbent! I really feel like they are worth the little extra money for the comfort and added protection, and I really like the soft cover (as opposed to the somewhat rougher cover of the standard always pads). Since these have come out, I have been purchasing these along with my supply of Always Maxi Pads and I am happy to do so. They are by far the best out there, as Always makes the best feminine products by far! :)

this is the only brand of feminine products that i will buy for my daughter. i think they are the best and most dependable product

ADHESIVE ALLERGY SUFFERS BEWARE: Pads / pantiliners etc are always a NEGATIVE review for me...if you have even the slightest adhesive allergies (band aids, etc), you can automatically count out the feminine products too. Even if you leave the tape on, the adhesive will cause a rash regardless of the manufacturer...

Always Infininity is the ONLY pad I ever use! This is the thinnest and most comfortable pad ever! I recommend this to anybody. The wings aren't my favorite but a brilliant pad like this never leaks (for me) or doesn't shift while moving, even in gymnastics! Don't think this pad will leak, people say "the pad is too thin, it's obviously going to leak", but I leak more in a maxi pad! This pad is super soft and comfy. I think it's only me but it feels thinner than a pantiliner! So I definitely love it!

I am no longer in the need for this, happy to say, but when I was; I preferred no other! Now my daughter has reached this point in life and she can't seem to buy any other brand as well. I must say as well, there was no hinting even on my part, she just loves them!

I love infinity! The other pads always use to irritate my skin and with these I dont even know they are there!

Great product, always have been satisfied with Always brand. I don't feel uncomfortable like the bulky ones make me feel. :)

I love these pads - I hate wearing tampons, but regular pads are always awkward to wear around unless you're wearing loose clothing. These are the best!

Love this product. It's comfortable, thin where it feels like it's nonexistent, it's super absorbance, and it's just perfect. I totally recommend this product. It's a amazing product. Don't be scared by the thinnest of the pad, it really does it's job very well.

i wasn't so sure they would absorb a lot, but i tried them and i was amazed! they are amazing, super comfortable, and they have a super high absorbency, super thin! BEST PADS EVER!!!!