Nintendo Wii Fit

Nintendo Wii Fit

              Rated #6 in Video Games
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561 Reviews 4.5/5 stars
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While it does exercise your knowledge of your body's limits it does not really exercise your body. It is a fun engaging activity for all ages and relatively enjoyable for all but if you seek weight loss you would be better off in a gym. I have used the Wii Fit for several years and have seen no improvement until pairing this program with daily gym attendance. While it may be a fun activity for your family it does not accomplish the intended task and should not be used purely for weight loss. It can be used as a stress reliever when using the yoga program which will also enhance your center of balance. That's about all that this program can do besides monitor your "weight loss".

I have one, but honestly, I couldn't tell you when the last time I used it was. The activities provided are a lot of fun and I really like the concept. However, if you're really serious about cracking down on health and fitness, I would explore other avenues. To me, this would not be a sufficient replacement to routine exercise. If you are simply looking for something fun and light to compliment the other Wii games and activities, then this might be perfect for you.

Have and love this one.

Whoever invented this game was awesome! It's nice to actually see family getting up and playing with each other instead of sitting on the couch and it tells you if you are underweight, overweight and helps you set goals to where you need to be. Great product

So you hop onto the Wii fit. It tell you you are chubby and somewhat unbalanced. Nice. Next you pick from various games (I like the penguin one) to help you keep active without really knowing you are. Its cute and provides a moderate workout. It certainly isn't a substitute for regular exercise in my opinion and the program can be a bit quirky when you're doing yoga or similar activities.

This is the best way to work out. I don't have to bug anyone to get off a machine. I don't have to travel to a gym. Awesome!

I love this! It's the only reason I actually work out. Lol

I love mine! ITs the best way to lose some weight.

A good addition to Wii. It is sturdy and has lasted through the use of adults and children at my house. I feel steady and safe when standing on it. I have yet to tip it over by standing on an edge. It is a few inches off the floor so easy to step up and down for older folks. The battery seems to last a good long time too, even with daily use. I really liked using this for balance 'games' because it shows you how to adjust your posture for the best balance. I've had mine for several years now and it is holding up beautifully. It still gets used by myself and grandkids. I'm glad I bought it and think it is a good addition to the Wii.

This is awesome! It has helped me shed pounds, & its freakin fun!

I really wanted to like this, but I force myself to play about an hour of all the different games and I struggled to stay interested. It really wasn't for me. I continue to search for things to keep me motivated. Other games however, are a blast!

I have one...and I don't use it. I know I'm chubby, I don't need the little weight graphic going, in a slightly sad tone, "oh..." when I step on my board. I wish there were more activities/games to use the board with, as the ones out now get boring pretty fast.

Really enjoy this, keeps me motivated

I liked it, but got bored with it quick because the batteries kept dying on me :/ They cold have done a lot better with it as far as giving additional feet in the box, had them come out in different colors, longer lasting batteries, more games that you could use with it, heavier weight limit, more exercises, etc. There is so much this could have done but they fell a little short. Other than that it is fun for a little while.

Wii fit incorporates several games with different types of exercises, it can be alot of fun to play with several family members. All of the games are child friendly and are quite easy for anyone to play. You can set up your own workout plans by mixing up the different yoga and strength exercises that are available on the game. I like how this being a game somehow makes it a bit more fun to workout. For the best results I'd recommend adding some other form of exercise along with the game. My favorite thing to do is the yoga exercises, the trainer explains the poses rather well so it's great for beginners who are interested in learning yoga. After doing this for a week or so I definitely seen a difference in my strength and endurance (I was doing a few other exercises aside from the game) You do tend to get bored of it after awhile, but for the most part it's fun to have around and do every now and than. I'd recommend Wii fit to anyone who is looking to get their kids or family into exercising or just to add a little fun to their exercise routines.