KitchenAid Stand Mixer

KitchenAid Stand Mixer

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Don't get the Artisan model. Spend a little more and get the real one. This one bogs down and the connecting pin works loose and the bowl is too small and the beaters leave unmixed ingredients in the bottom.

I got this as an engagement present. I don't love it. I love the idea of it. There is constant pushing down the dry ingredients on the sides, and I find unscrewing the bowl from the base impossible. I mix things by hand now, and have a lot less to clean.

I was really disappointed in this mixer. I purchased the pink one and only used it for about a year before it stopped working. I used it maybe a total of 6-7 times in that period. I tried to return it where I bought it, but they told me to go to the manufacturer. The mfg. said it was out of warranty. Probably won't be buying another kitchen-aid product again.

I love to bake and cook, so I had to have this mixer. As soon as I saved up enough money I purchased one and was a little disappointed. It always leaves unmixed ingredients at the very bottom unless your constantly scraping down the sides and it is very loud. I purchased a cuisinart 7 quart mixer instead and I LOVE it. It's a little more expensive but worth every penny.

I have used one at my Mom's and found that the area between the beaters and the side of the bowl is too narrow. It is too heavy to move. I prefer my Mix Master any day and so does my Mom. She plans to give her Kitchen Aid away.

it works perfectly,heavy,avalaible,disirve its price but there are so many robbots that have the same caracteristics

These are really fancy and cute sitting on a counter, but they are too expensive for not completely mixing the ingredients.

Well I used to love my kitchen aid mixer... then I was introduced to the vitamix and now I can see how big and how much room this takes up and there is a lot of clean up.

I always wanted a Kitchen Aid, and I don't have one. I do have a food processor, but when it needs to be replaced, I know what I will buy.

I got a white one for my wedding. Spend a little extra and get the bigger/better ones. I wish this one had a handle on the bowl. The motor is not as powerful as the bigger ones either and slows down if I try to mix bread, or thick dough in it. The beaters leave unmixed ingredients in the bottom. I love kitchen aid, and I do like my mixer, but I would definitely go for one of the more expensive models next time I get the chance.

Have one it is ok doesnt whip up well from the bottom I use a hand mixer more

I do NOT own a Kitchenaid Mixer, however I have used it at my mothers house several times and it is quite convenient and I would love to have one of my own. For me, the problem is two fold: 1. it is very expensive. 2. it is so big, I do not know where I would store it. I am afraid that if I spend all of the money, then have to store it in the basement, I would never use it as I would have to lug it out each time. With two little kids, I am always looking to bake/cook something and it seems as though it would be a convenient tool to have.

The end result is good food and the mixer got me there. But I am shocked at how unrefined it is. It's INCREDIBLY heavy and awkward. There is no perfect place to grab it or hold it when you are lifting it onto the counter or into a cabinet. Also, the mixer never seems to touch that very center piece of flour or butter, whatever it is down there. So you always have to stop it, mix it a bit by hand, then start it up again. And lastly there is no good way to pour dry ingredients in without stopping it and lifting the mixer out of the bowl. If you don't lift it out of the bowl, pieces of the dry ingredient (sugar, flour, etc) will just sit on top of the mixer itself. So weird to me that KitchenAid has not perfect these few things.

I would say that in the 7 years I have owned this mixer, I have used it repeatedly and been pleased with it. I do have a few things I wish were different: 1. I wish the beater attachment reached the bottom of the bowl. It does not have great mixing capabilities without adding a spatula to stir things around with; 2. I don't feel that the bowl circumference on the standard mixer is big enough to add ingredients while the beater attachment is still on. I am constantly getting food (from the beater attachment) on myself when I add other ingredients to the mix. 3. I wish, when you stopped the machine mid stir, there was a function to slide the attachment towards the bottom of the bowl. Everytime I stop to add additional ingredients, the mixer is sitting right in the middle of the bowl, so I am trying to add ingredients on the side, which leads to my #2 complaint. Other than that, it is quite a great machine. But I am requesting a handheld mixer from Santa this year. :)

I am a huge kitchen gadget user and so when baking on Saturday, I has my best friend bring her pink mixer over ( she's allways giving me a hard time about mine)! Well for what she paid for hers I expected top preformance and a quicker mix time.. It did will but not what I expected ! I'm sorry folks my Better Homes And Gardens Mixer purchased for 100$ less out did this mixer hands down and was much easier to use