Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

              Rated #18 in Carriers
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75 Reviews 3.9/5 stars
75% Recommended
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I did not like this carrier. It was extremely difficult to use and took too much time to get my child securely adjusted into the carrier. Then, I often got too hot carrying my child because of the amount of fabric wrapped around me and it would loosen as I wore it, needing to be constantly re-adjusted. I also did not like how I had to take off the entire thing every time I took my child out of it because it would then need to be entirely redone when I put my child back in it.

I did not like this carrier. It was extremely difficult to use and took too much time to get my child securely adjusted into the carrier. Then, I often got too hot carrying my child because of the amount of fabric wrapped around me and it would loosen as I wore it, needing to be constantly re-adjusted. I also did not like how I had to take off the entire thing every time I took my child out of it because it would then need to be entirely redone when I put my child back in it.

I wasn't 100% impressed with the Moby. I had read so many great things about it and couldn't wait to buy one. I tried using it to shop at the mall right after I bought it. It was January, I had a very young baby and I was standing in the parking lot, freezing and trying to figure out how to wrap it. I figured it would be easier to use when i was home, but the wrapping process was cumbersome, even after I figured out how to do it without looking at the manual for step by step instructions. There were times that I felt the baby was secure, and it worked out well, but other times I felt like he might fall out, or that he was wrapped too tightly. I would put it on before I left the house so i could just put the baby in it when I needed to, but it was awkward to walk around wearing a baby carrier with no baby when he didn't want to be in it, but too much work to put on and take off multiple times. I have used one other type of carrier which I felt was easier to use, but it strained my back much more than the Moby. The Moby did distribute the weight equally across my upper body and I did not get a sore back or shoulders from it at all.

I wasn't 100% impressed with the Moby. I had read so many great things about it and couldn't wait to buy one. I tried using it to shop at the mall right after I bought it. It was January, I had a very young baby and I was standing in the parking lot, freezing and trying to figure out how to wrap it. I figured it would be easier to use when i was home, but the wrapping process was cumbersome, even after I figured out how to do it without looking at the manual for step by step instructions. There were times that I felt the baby was secure, and it worked out well, but other times I felt like he might fall out, or that he was wrapped too tightly. I would put it on before I left the house so i could just put the baby in it when I needed to, but it was awkward to walk around wearing a baby carrier with no baby when he didn't want to be in it, but too much work to put on and take off multiple times. I have used one other type of carrier which I felt was easier to use, but it strained my back much more than the Moby. The Moby did distribute the weight equally across my upper body and I did not get a sore back or shoulders from it at all.

I am not a Moby fan. I felt the entire process of getting my baby into the wrap was a hassle and time waster. I know of women who love this wrap, but I am certainly not one.

I am not a Moby fan. I felt the entire process of getting my baby into the wrap was a hassle and time waster. I know of women who love this wrap, but I am certainly not one.

I bought this thinking it would be easy to use. What a pain. For one, I am a short person and I just get lost in all that fabric. Two, I live in a warm climate, so this is too warm, even in the winter.

I bought this thinking it would be easy to use. What a pain. For one, I am a short person and I just get lost in all that fabric. Two, I live in a warm climate, so this is too warm, even in the winter.

I did not like this at all! It's complicated to use and huge! It made both my baby and I way to hot so all he did was cry.

I did not like this at all! It's complicated to use and huge! It made both my baby and I way to hot so all he did was cry.

Hated this product. In fact, I took it back after one use. I am a pretty busty female (specially during the breastfeeding time) and I felt like I was going to smoother my child to death by my boobs. The Ergobaby products were way better, plus they came with pockets.

Hated this product. In fact, I took it back after one use. I am a pretty busty female (specially during the breastfeeding time) and I felt like I was going to smoother my child to death by my boobs. The Ergobaby products were way better, plus they came with pockets.

Got this as a gift and it was hard to figure out and it didn't adjust very well. Easy for nursing but hard to manage.

Got this as a gift and it was hard to figure out and it didn't adjust very well. Easy for nursing but hard to manage.

Compicated Bought this product for my one month old 8 pounds, 20 inches long. She seemed to overheat in this and fussed a lot when in it. The wrap required me to watch a YouTube video on how to use it about 8 times before I felt conform able with it. It has a lot of fabric and I can not see anyone using this outside of the house as it is too much fabric.

Compicated Bought this product for my one month old 8 pounds, 20 inches long. She seemed to overheat in this and fussed a lot when in it. The wrap required me to watch a YouTube video on how to use it about 8 times before I felt conform able with it. It has a lot of fabric and I can not see anyone using this outside of the house as it is too much fabric.

i thought this wrap was going to work so well for me because everyone seemed to like it, but it was a total fail for me. i bought the plain black one while pregnant with my son and when he was about a month or so old i tried it out and it was so long, it dragged on the ground and took forever to wrap around and when my son was in it, it felt way too warm. i live in vegas and it was june when i tried this and it worried me that he would over heat. i tried again in the witnter but i can't get over how long it was and i was concerned about it getting dirty and moving germs around. i really wanted to like this product but maybe if your over 5 feet tall and you live someplace cool it might work

i thought this wrap was going to work so well for me because everyone seemed to like it, but it was a total fail for me. i bought the plain black one while pregnant with my son and when he was about a month or so old i tried it out and it was so long, it dragged on the ground and took forever to wrap around and when my son was in it, it felt way too warm. i live in vegas and it was june when i tried this and it worried me that he would over heat. i tried again in the witnter but i can't get over how long it was and i was concerned about it getting dirty and moving germs around. i really wanted to like this product but maybe if your over 5 feet tall and you live someplace cool it might work

I love the idea of this product. I just wish it was easier to put on. I also feel that it works better for someone of a smaller stature. I am a size 14 and felt that if I tied it around twice i didnt have enough to tie in the front and if I tied it just in the back I didnt have enough support to hold the baby.

I love the idea of this product. I just wish it was easier to put on. I also feel that it works better for someone of a smaller stature. I am a size 14 and felt that if I tied it around twice i didnt have enough to tie in the front and if I tied it just in the back I didnt have enough support to hold the baby.

I tried this wrap and found it very cumbersome. It's essentially just a huge piece of fabric. Being 5'2", it was a bit overwhelming to try and get it all sorted out. Idid eventually get the hang of it. The wrap would be best for newborns and young babies, as I didn't feel like there was much support for a heavier/larger child. I ended up returning it, because I wanted something that could be more of a snap and go as opposed to taking 5-10 minutes to setup.

I tried this wrap and found it very cumbersome. It's essentially just a huge piece of fabric. Being 5'2", it was a bit overwhelming to try and get it all sorted out. Idid eventually get the hang of it. The wrap would be best for newborns and young babies, as I didn't feel like there was much support for a heavier/larger child. I ended up returning it, because I wanted something that could be more of a snap and go as opposed to taking 5-10 minutes to setup.

My husband and I have tried this when our son was born. Found it to be too much work and hassle putting it on and the baby did not look comfortable in it.

My husband and I have tried this when our son was born. Found it to be too much work and hassle putting it on and the baby did not look comfortable in it.

It?s Okay The Moby Wrap is okay. It's annoying having to find tutorials on how to wrap it and then getting the technique down, only to have your baby slowly slip into the wrap as you go about your day. I only used this a few times and then I switched to a harness.

It?s Okay The Moby Wrap is okay. It's annoying having to find tutorials on how to wrap it and then getting the technique down, only to have your baby slowly slip into the wrap as you go about your day. I only used this a few times and then I switched to a harness.

I have mixed feelings about my Moby wrap. When my son was very small he liked snuggling up in it and I would carry him around for a long time. I liked the feeling of him being safe and close to me and he would often fall asleep in it. However, he would sometimes get very hot and sweaty inside the layers. I would have to strip him down before I put him in it so he wouldn't get too hot. And then when he got bigger, I stopped using the wrap altogether because I could never seem to get the fit right. The material seemed to stretch too much and he would sag way down and I would have to hold him up with my arms, which kind of defeats the purpose of the wrap. I switched to a more structured carrier when he got above 15 lbs. or so.

I have mixed feelings about my Moby wrap. When my son was very small he liked snuggling up in it and I would carry him around for a long time. I liked the feeling of him being safe and close to me and he would often fall asleep in it. However, he would sometimes get very hot and sweaty inside the layers. I would have to strip him down before I put him in it so he wouldn't get too hot. And then when he got bigger, I stopped using the wrap altogether because I could never seem to get the fit right. The material seemed to stretch too much and he would sag way down and I would have to hold him up with my arms, which kind of defeats the purpose of the wrap. I switched to a more structured carrier when he got above 15 lbs. or so.

I think this wrap is best for newborns who sleep a lot and just want to be close to you. I tried this with my daughter at 6 weeks and she hated it. It's also confusing at first to learn how to tie it. I'd recommend the Ergo over this.

I think this wrap is best for newborns who sleep a lot and just want to be close to you. I tried this with my daughter at 6 weeks and she hated it. It's also confusing at first to learn how to tie it. I'd recommend the Ergo over this.