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on Jun 22, 2016 (Read 856 times | Comments: 10)
How easy is it for you to forgive someone? What are your tips on how to forgive?

on Jul 06, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness is something you do for yourself it has nothing to do with the person in mind. They most likely won't give a damn. We forgive their actions but not forget, it is a lesson learned, and forgiving gives you the chance to shut that door and move forward. You also have to forgive yourself, you didn't buy in to be treated badly! One way is to make a private ceremony of it: write down all you wish to forgive, and who it is you are forgiving on a piece of paper and that you are forgiving but keeping the lesson and you are releasing that person to the universe to be dealt with as karma sees fit. Feel the intent of closing the door and living your life for you! Then burn the paper while thinking I now release you. It might take practice and lots of intent, but start seeing positive things with your new found freedom.

on Jul 21, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness to me seems like such a hard thing to do when someone has hurt you. Especially when it comes to relationships with the person you have spent most of your life loving. I was in a long term relationship with a man I thought felt the same way about me. He had me believe that I was the only one and come to find out he was sharing his love with someone else. I have tried to forgive him but it is an hard act to do when I have to see him everyday because we share a child together. I have had time to be away from him so I can go through the motions of forgiveness. I have forgiving him for the sake of our child but in my heart I have not, I was in love with this man from the age of 18 and I just turned 36. Time will seal the wound but complete forgiveness is along ways away. I think that people have to do what is best for them because each person reason is diffrent. Some people never forgive the one that has hurt them the most.

on Aug 04, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness is a necessity in life or it will destroy you and the ones you love. We should forgive if we want to move past the bad. In order to do this requires time and prayer. I had to do to this. Sometimes the bigger picture needs to be looked at in the scheme of things.

on Sep 16, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness is hard, especially if it's a love one. You can forgive but never forget what the past/future should have/had been. What ever happen it will always stick with you, it will be in the back off your mind. It's just up too you on how you will deal with it. I personally have never forgave a relative of mine,. But I love them and I'm there for them for whatever he/she needs. I have my moments where i have a breakdown about what had happened (too someone else). Cause you have to vent. So what I am saying forgiveness is the key to better your life, plus you never know what the next day will bring. Cause clearly you love this person. Forgive but to forget will be hard but livable.

on Sep 17, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness is for the forgiver not the forgiven. It is a part of the healing process for you so that you are not giving anyone the power to influence any of your future decisions in life.

on Oct 04, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Forgiveness can be tricky and one of the hardest things to do. For me and my beliefs as a Christian forgiveness is essential in my salvation. Christ forgave me therefore I in return must forgive others. It's easier said than done and it's something that must be done in both the mind and heart. I think forgiveness happens only after your completely honest about the situation and you accept whatever has happened as being real and something you can't change. You have to focus on the fact that in most to all cases being angry or unforgiving actually affects you personally in a more negative way. It's an emotional burden your forced to carry around and it starts to weigh you down even becoming apart of your attitude and who you are. For your own good it's necessary to allow healing and accepting it for what it was. Moving on and realizing that you don't have to forget and that forgiving doesn't mean you we're wrong or the situation was fair. It's just something you have overcome and grow fr

on Jan 24, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

To promote your forgiveness of another, recall one of your sins against God.

on Jan 25, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

It is not always east to forgive..but it makes it better so you can sleep at night

on Jul 29, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

When you really decide to forgive is a wonderful thing because when you really decide to forgive you win a battle And why I say this well I say this because when you decide to forgive is not affecting you anymore that problem that situation is not affecting you because when you remember about The situation You don?t remember with Pain,Hate or with madness Because you just simple remove that Toxie feeling from all your heart.Is very important to learn how to forgive but not only that, also we need to learn how to ask for forgiveness So we can live In peace with or conscious,What wonderful thing is the Forgiveness that can said the you are a mature person.

on Jul 29, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

When you really decide to forgive is a wonderful thing because when you really decide to forgive you win a battle And why I say this well I say this because when you decide to forgive is not affecting you anymore that problem that situation is not affecting you because when you remember about The situation You don?t remember with Pain,Hate or with madness Because you just simple remove that Toxie feeling from all your heart.Is very important to learn how to forgive but not only that, also we need to learn how to ask for forgiveness So we can live In peace with or conscious,What wonderful thing is the Forgiveness that can said the you are a mature person.