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Should I allow my 13 year old daughter to wear make-up?
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on Apr 14, 2008 (Read 9643 times | Comments: 30)
My 13 year daughter wants to wear make-up (lip-stick, mascara, etc). She says that all her friends wear it. So far, I've allowed her to wear just lip-gloss. But I don't want to introduce her to make up too early....is 13 too early? I want her to wait for a few years but some of my girl-friends say that I'm being too old-fashioned.

on Apr 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think 13 is too young to be wearing makeup. I would be proud of my "old-fashioned" ways. Times are changing so fast and i just can't help but shake my head at what parents are letting these young kids do and wear. Follow your heart and what you feel is right. My daughter is 10 and i know i will be facing this soon, but it will not be allowed in our home. Lip gloss is fine for young women, but anything more is not appropriate in my mind.

on Apr 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am 17 right now and when I was 13, I was in eighth grade and definitly already wearing makeup. I used to have perfect skin and because of wearing makeup I have acne! I would give her the option of wearing it because you don't want something like that to limit her with her confidence but let her know that it is not good for her skin, she's beautiful naturally. It's up to her really because in my opinion it's just makeup and that's one way that I think women can express themselves artfully. Now in high school, a lot of my girlfriends don't wear makeup everyday because we just don't care anymore!

I thought maybe by hearing my expierence it might help you gain a new perspective on her situation. Good luck!!

on Apr 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Oh and also when I was 13, all I wore was mascara, foundation and lipgloss so keep that in mind as well =)

on Apr 16, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think it depends on the maturity level of *your* particular 13 year old daughter. Maybe you can sit down & work out a compromise with her...offer to take her to a mall where they have the big, fancy makeup counters & do free makeovers (call ahead & schedule an appt, explaining that it's for a young teen & should be very "natural" looking!) She'll be excited about getting to do something so grown-up, and hopefully learn how to properly wear makeup so that it doesn't look like it was applied with a paint roller! Then you could tell her she can wear it sometimes, as long as if you tell her that you're going somewhere that you don't want her to wear it, there's no argument, and if you tell her that she has too much on, she needs to remove it without too much argument (she IS 13, after all!) And that she has to be careful about not sharing it with friends and washing it off every night so she doesn't get any nasty infections like pinkeye, or just plain ol' pimples.

Good luck...ahh, the things I have to look forward to with my daughter.

on Apr 20, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi. This is a hard time for us mommys, knowing our babies are growing up. I am 42 years old and when I was growing up 13 was the age we girls looked forward to, so that we could start wearing makeup. One thing that is still true is that a lot of us found a way to get around our parents to wear makeup or the style we wanted. My daughter is 10 and wants to wear makeup. We have a one day a week makeup rule and it has to be in good taste. i buy her the bratz makeup etc. The big thing here is that she hardly ever does it. I think it was because we compromised on it and she was satisfied with how we were going about it. A fun thing to do would be to let her get a make over at one of the places that do them free. She is going to listen to them faster than you. Fitting in is so important at this age. The old saying about "pick your battles" holds true. I would much rather give in on the makeup and then when something really important comes up set your foot.

on Apr 20, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

PS one of the most important things to teach her is about taking care of her skin. There are products for younger girls you can buy for cleansing and moisturizing. If you cant find them try the ones for sensitive skin.

on Apr 24, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I had the same problem with my daughter and even though I would only allow lip gloss and a little mascara, she would come home from school with much more on. Her skin quickly showed the side-effects and she eventually wore even more to hide those. Show your daughter the fashion magazines that seem to be stressing the natural look more and more. The big trend is to appear as if you are not wearing makeup at all.

on Apr 25, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Hi! I'm going threw the same thing now, my oldest daughter is 12, she will be 13 in Sept. she wants to wear make-up,(I caught her a couple of times coming home from school with it on her face ) she started to ask around when she was 10, I told her no, 10 is too young, and now that she will be 13, and her father has always said no, and to this day he still will not let her. I told my huband, will maybe we can start out slow and let her have a couple things at a time, So I would recommend to you is : I would let her, but only alittle at a time, one of the other post said to take her to the mall, that is a great idea, mother-daughter day, bond with her during these times, their aren't to many like this left....before you know it she will be grown and married with her own little ones,I didn't want her to hide stuff from me-I want her to be able to come to me and talk about everything from small to big..... I also in telling my daughter about make-up, I told her the importance of being carefull-wearing make-up makes you look older and guys will being paying attention to that, I told her if she trys to look older to be carefull and talked to her about rape. She said I know mom, I know, I stated it again to her, it is really truly amazing what these kids know today, but it is sad to have to have these discussions with someone so young- but we have to if we want to keep are kids safe- I hope this helps..... tell her to be carefull and stay involed! It's the best thing you can do as a mother

on Apr 26, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

When I turned 13 I was allowed to start wearing makeup, but my mom did not just turn me loose in the makeup section to do as I would. If you want to infulence the way your daughter does her makeup, take her to a makeup artist. This does not have to be an expesive thing, but they will be able to show her what will look best and really teach her that less is more. This is the one thing that my mom did with me that I will be doing with my daughter when she is old enough. I do agree that you have to look at your 13 yr old and her maturity level. Knowledge is power, and I think this can apply to all part of life. Also, if she feels that makeup is no big deal, she may not want to wear it.

on Apr 28, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

First of all never change the way you are just because someone else tells you they think you are old fashioned, or stuffy or to set in your ways. * My parents brought me up to have morals to care about my body and what was done to it. My mom didn't even want me to ever get my ears pierced I eventually did but I waited until I was a little older. * I think at 13 girls are very self consious, but also very naive. They might think they understand the harms out there, but they really don't understand the depth of them. * There have been a lot of good suggestions here. But you are the only one who really knows your daughter, hopefully you really know her. I personally would put a limit to how much my daughter could wear at 13 I would have to say lipgloss is good enough and if she doesn't follow your wishes, there should be a consequence and that should be discussed with her ahead of time. You should decided now, at what age is it appropraite to wear how much make-up & discuss that with her also. * For example: "At 13 you can wear lipgloss, at 14 you can wear light colored eyeshadow, at 15 you can wear mascara - and all of these ONLY if applied properly and appropraitly." * Above all, I think if you are spending quality time with her and getting to really know her and what she thinks and wants from life..that when the time comes for her to make big choices in life. She will remember what you've taught her and how she holds herself and presents herself should stem from that.
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