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What is your favorite book or author?
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on Jun 19, 2007 (Read 512587 times | Comments: 190)
Right now I am reading everything written by Jodi Picoult. Right now I am reading Picture Perfect. I have also recently read Keeping Faith, The Pact and My Sister's Keeper. She is a very good author and keeps you interested. I also read every article in National Geographic magazine. I love magazines. I will read almost anything.

on May 15, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by pegleg26 » 
I enjoy Karen Kingsbury's books. I have a hard time putting her books down! They hold your interest and are very emotional. They have a Christian base and do not have nasty words or descriptions! I have not read all of her books as yet, but I will!

I have heard a lot of good things about her books but have not tried any of them yet. I do read a lot of the historical christian books and absolutely love them but have not tried any of the contemporary christian books. I may just have to try her out. Thanks!!

on May 19, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I really enjoy Jodi Picoult -- her stuff is so relevant and so intense. But my favorite author is LORNA LANDVIK -- start with Patty Jane's House of Curl and work your way through. All of her stories are Thoughtful, strong female characters. Great stories. Twists and turns, humor and some drama.... I would say my next favortie book of hers is ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BONBONS. There are a lot of characters to keep straight... so start a cheat sheet before you get too deep. It is about 5 women in a cul-du-sac in MN who have a bookclub -- so you have to keep those 5 women and their families straight... but once you know their names you are fine... I have met Ms. Landvik before and she is a hoot! Very interesting and very nice. She is very funny. She used to do improv... kind of still does... she does a one woman show up there -- you can check it out on her website, www.lornalandvik.com She has a Christmas book coming out in Oct/Nov -- so she'll be touring again this fall. she hasn't done one of those before...

I really enjoy Lynn Austin's books, too. She wrote ALL SHE EVER WANTED and that goes through 3 generation of women and how exactly they became who they are. Really great writing. Another great one of hers that I just started is called A WOMAN'S PLACE -- and that is about 4 women from 4 different walks of life working together in a factory during WWII -- very interesting. I have met Ms. Austin and she does a tone of research before she even writes a page. So her stuff is always historically accurate. Great character development. Very relatable characters.

Another great author is JAN KARON and her Mitford series. Nice books. great characters. Nice story line. The first in the series is AT HOME IN MITFORD. There are 7 or 8 books in the series, I have lost count.

Did I mention I am in a book club and I mediate one at the library... I love to read. I have 4 kids and not much time so I make everything count! xoxoxoMeldanstefdyl4

on May 20, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by doublejs513127 » 
I have heard a lot of good things about her books but have not tried any of them yet. I do read a lot of the historical christian books and absolutely love them but have not tried any of the contemporary christian books. I may just have to try her out. Thanks!!

hey - if you enjoy the historical Christian books -- you should check out LYNN AUSTIN and all of her writings. She has won a couple of Christy Awards. One of her books, Hidden Places, has been made into a Hallmark Hall of Fame picture. It is available on DVD -- you can request it through your library system...

Great stories with a nice dash of christianity thrown in. Great characters. I LOVED the book called ALL SHE EVER WANTED.... it is great. Check her out... again, her stuff is available at your local library. Enjoy!

on May 20, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by meldanstefdyl4 » 
I really enjoy Jodi Picoult -- her stuff is so relevant and so intense. But my favorite author is LORNA LANDVIK -- start with Patty Jane's House of Curl and work your way through. All of her stories are Thoughtful, strong female characters. Great stories. Twists and turns, humor and some drama.... I would say my next favortie book of hers is ANGRY HOUSEWIVES EATING BONBONS. There are a lot of characters to keep straight... so start a cheat sheet before you get too deep. It is about 5 women in a cul-du-sac in MN who have a bookclub -- so you have to keep those 5 women and their families straight... but once you know their names you are fine... I have met Ms. Landvik before and she is a hoot! Very interesting and very nice. She is very funny. She used to do improv... kind of still does... she does a one woman show up there -- you can check it out on her website, www.lornalandvik.com She has a Christmas book coming out in Oct/Nov -- so she'll be touring again this fall. she hasn't done one of those before...

I really enjoy Lynn Austin's books, too. She wrote ALL SHE EVER WANTED and that goes through 3 generation of women and how exactly they became who they are. Really great writing. Another great one of hers that I just started is called A WOMAN'S PLACE -- and that is about 4 women from 4 different walks of life working together in a factory during WWII -- very interesting. I have met Ms. Austin and she does a tone of research before she even writes a page. So her stuff is always historically accurate. Great character development. Very relatable characters.

Another great author is JAN KARON and her Mitford series. Nice books. great characters. Nice story line. The first in the series is AT HOME IN MITFORD. There are 7 or 8 books in the series, I have lost count.

Did I mention I am in a book club and I mediate one at the library... I love to read. I have 4 kids and not much time so I make everything count! xoxoxoMeldanstefdyl4

oh, thanks so much for sharing!!!!:-) i now have some new authors to try, thanks again!!!!

on May 22, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

Right now i am in absolute love with Dean Koontz. His books are very suspensful and full of energy. I love his writing style and the way he writes. Another good author is Nora Roberts writing as JD Robb. So far those books are a keep me reading until its finished kind of book.

on May 23, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

i am reading the new one by susan wittig albert - nightshade - can't put it down ..if you are a fan of janet evanovich's stephanie plum adventures, i think you will love this series - china bayles is the main character, a lawyer turned herbalist.. great characters and mysteries .. but try to start with the first one and read in order - thyme of death is the first book in the series .. also just finished the latest by jo ann fluke - carrot cake murder - a bit lighter of a mystery series, but fun - i also reccomend that you read those books in order as well

on May 26, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »
Originally posted by bufflady » 
i am reading the new one by susan wittig albert - nightshade - can't put it down ..if you are a fan of janet evanovich's stephanie plum adventures, i think you will love this series - china bayles is the main character, a lawyer turned herbalist.. great characters and mysteries .. but try to start with the first one and read in order - thyme of death is the first book in the series .. also just finished the latest by jo ann fluke - carrot cake murder - a bit lighter of a mystery series, but fun - i also reccomend that you read those books in order as well

Thanks for sharing!!!!

on May 26, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've recently discovered Vince Flynn. He writes political intrigue novels. He has written 8 books so far. I read the first and couldn't put it down. It was so good I went out and found the other 7 he's written and read through them all within 2 weeks. He has a new book called Extreme Measures due out Oct 28th. I've already pre-ordered it. What I love about his novels is that each subsequent book builds on the previous one. The characters continue to grow in depth with each book. I finished the eight novel last night and now I'm sad that I don't have another one to start and will have to wait until October ::sigh::.

on Jul 08, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like... Monkeewrench series by P.J Tracey, any Jennifer Weiner book, Meg Cabot's Heather Wells series, Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. There are more, but I can't remember right now!

on Jul 10, 2008 Quote  »     Reply  »

i love anything about real women. alot of the lifetime movies are based from books, so i like to find those. also, i love anything by lurlene mcdaniel.
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