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Shopping during Coronavirus
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 587 times | Comments: 25)
Are you stocked up on essentials during this time? What items did you make sure to have? What are you missing? How are you getting what you need?

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I just need a few things like normal, but getting them the past few weeks has been impossible. It seems to be calming down a little, so that is making it easier. Stores limiting the items has helped get when you need too, so it hasnt been to hard to keep up on things. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Can't find the necessities in store nor online. Very frustrating. There was nothing left to stock up on. Hope inventory is back in stock soon. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are okay for now, but by the end of the month will need toilet paper and it is no where to be found!

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was not prepared, I had gotten paid and thought I would wait a day or two to do my normal shopping and I went two days later not knowing that people had already boarded all the necessities and haven’t been able to get things like toilet paper since. Even food has been a struggle to buy for me since everything I normally eat is always gone.

on Mar 28, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

My feeling is, this is America for goodness sake we will have products. I never stocked up, I shop the same as i usually have (but avoiding people) I find everything i need. I shopped yesterday the only thing i couldnt find was bleach, my college age daugher is bored and wanted to do a DIY on her jeans. I have changed shopping multiple stores for certain items i like, it's one-stop shopping for me now.

on Mar 28, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Everyone’s situation is different, some states might not be hoarding as much so there is supplies, some live paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford to buy in bulk or even afford all the basics, a lot of stores can’t stock fast enough, a lot of people work in the early morning hours and can’t get to the stores right when they open. There are so many different scenarios that have people rightfully worried and scared, but people have to start thinking of others and stop the hoarding. Things will get back to normal, it’s just going to take a little bit. Stay safe everyone 🤗

on Mar 28, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We have had to go shopping a couple of times because we ran out of coffee and cat food.  We try to limit our outings to only as needed.  We have never panic shopped for anything.  We have yet to finish any hand sanitizer or disinfectant spray, but everything else we have needed we have been able to buy, even though we had to go to a couple of different stores.  As for groceries, it is usually just myself and my husband so it doesn't take a lot to make meals for us.   One decent shopping trip will carry us for several weeks.  We are eating well and doing good :)

on Mar 29, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have tried to shop just weekly and stay out of stores. I have not bought any items in excess. I do shop at BJ's warehouse once a month so I already had a supply of toilet paper and cleaning supplies. Last week I noticed I could not get eggs, flour or bread. I have been using up items in my freezer and pantry. I have been cooking more comfort foods. Safe safe out there.

on Apr 02, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm definitely shopping less and I'm shopping more online. I stocked up on canned vegetables, frozen meals, cereals, breads and other staples just so I wouldn't have to shop as much. I had a lot on hand and I bought what I needed online and visit once a week for produce.

on Apr 02, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I haven;t stocked up so to speak
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