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What are you doing to interact during this time of social distancing?
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 284 times | Comments: 17)
This is a difficult time for everyone. How are you feeling? What are you doing to maintain communication with others?

on Mar 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I've been doing a lot of texing with my friends and FaceTime. I haven't wanted my 3 yr to feel disconnected to her friends and family either.

on Mar 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was feeling really scared about having to physically go to work but thankfully I convinced my manager working from home is best. Besides that, phone calls to those who matter, and FaceBook.

on Mar 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been FaceTiming with family and friends. Also, LOTS of texting. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Texting, facetime video calls - checking in on family and friends. 

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

feeling depressed and full of anxiety and stress  talk to family and friends on facebook messenger and text

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Our usual group chat has blown up. We are always talking - even more than usual. I actually have to mute it sometimes to take a walk or concentrate on other things sometimes. I'm in the city and my neighbors are my friends so we still see each other in person on occassion but keep physical distance. We've also been doing LOTS of virtual game nights and even a virtual brunch!

on Mar 28, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Myself, my husband, and my adult daughter live in our household.  Our daughter stays at a different residence a couple of days a week.   My husband and I engage in housework or spend time watching Netflix or Hulu or browsing the internet.  We keep a lot of contact with our family members, friends, and church family through social media.

on Mar 30, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was way ahead of everyone else about this. Everywhere I go, I use hand sanitizer. I use it before I eat, after taking off the trash, etc. I'm pretty much a homebody. I watch church on YouTube, only go out as necessary, shop online, etc. My mom is home bound so before all this came about, I was staying home with her.

on Apr 01, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am at home all the time with my daughters.  I only go out when necessary, so communication is only via phone or facetime with my relatives

on Apr 01, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have called my aunt who lives in Virginia and I have been talking to my son on Faccebook. Other than that we are staying at home with the cats and only going out when we really need something. We normally didn't go out much even before all this started but except to eat out or go to the grocery store. We only went to Walmart about once a month and yesterday was the first time we went since this began because my cats needed food ( also got litter while we were there) and it is the only place that sells the kind of food they like. We have been going to HEB or Dollar General about once a week if we need milk or juice and cat litter but we try to go when we think it's not crowded and never at opening.
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