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How has your life changed because of the Coronavirus?
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 4422 times | Comments: 35)
Tell us abour your experience at this time. Are you staying home? Are you in quarantine? Has your job situation changed?

on May 04, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are fortunate to be in a place where we are able to stay at home and be comfortable. But all activitys are canceled and the pool is closed. We had to cancel plane trips to see family and that is sad. But we don't want to bring any possible germs to their homes. So we use Hangouts or other technology to chat and see each other. The main thing is to stay healthy. I try not to worry but it's hard given all that is going on. Thank you for asking!

on May 13, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been staying at home. I have only gone out to the store about 10 times since the this Corvid-19 started. I cant afford to get sick becausse I am a senior, no close friends nearby to help, no family and I have 2 dogs. Thus I am being very careful when I do go out. Grocery shopping is terrible. I dont like to shop anyway, and now it is so time consuming because you have to visit several stores to find what you need. I had to delay some surgeries, vet appointments, and other tests that were scheduled. I have to  move out of my house because of some water damage and mold issues and I am scared to go look for a temporary place to live for 2-3 months. I am scared to have contractors come in my house and movers as well. However, I have no heat or air condidiont because the mold is in the vents. 

on Dec 04, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am retired and my plan was to visit with my family to celebrate birthdays and holidays. With the pandemic I have stayed home and tried to make the best of a difficult situation. I am also grateful that everyone is fine.

on Dec 05, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We are staying home more and only venturing out to get groceries and some other important errands and when those are finished we head straight back home and don't visit or talk to anyone and we keep our distance from people as much as we can and wear our mask and have cancelled our travelling plans

on Dec 12, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I only went out to get groceries and essentials. Thursday I started running fever of 103.6 and I felt terrible. So I went and got tested and I tested positive for the coronavirus.  I feel terrible. The body aches are bad. I started a bad cough and I can't smell anything. I pray this doesn't last long.
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