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How has your life changed because of the Coronavirus?
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 4497 times | Comments: 35)
Tell us abour your experience at this time. Are you staying home? Are you in quarantine? Has your job situation changed?

on Apr 07, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We have stayed at home for 4 weeks now. 3 shopping trips, 1 grocery delivery, and working from home. It's been weird but I am grateful

on Apr 09, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

This virus has brought panic to the world like back in 1918 when the influenza virus struck and about 500 million were infected. When this Corona 19 virus passes things will never be the same, we will not take life for granted or spend our money foolishly.  We will treasure our precious life and be more considerate and take our health seriously and more meaningfull, and yet there still will be others that will go on in life without a care in the world. I am thankful that none of my family members or friends have gotten ill, and I have faith that soon we will get back to our normal lives.

on Apr 13, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

My experience has been similar as in I already don't go out a lot. I am not anti-social, I just have high morals. I'm not a social butterfly. I'm just working from home now and so that's the only different thing. 

on Apr 13, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

We only go out about once a week to get stuff we need. I can't wait until this is over because I miss going out to eat. We have been through the drive thru a few times but since I don't work, going to eat got me out of the house for a bit. I have been cathcing up on all my favorite shows through streaming though.

on Apr 14, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been working extremely hard for the last year on planning for my wedding on April 20th, 2020. I relocated to Florida to be with my fiance at the end of December. Unfortunately, all of my family and friends are in North Carolina. With this Coronavirus, none of them are able to attend our wedding...not even my sons. I am frustrated and hurt that I put alot of money and work into this dream wedding and now it's going to be totally different. 😭😭😭

on Apr 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am spending lots of time at home just sitting on the couch alone.  I still have to go to work and wear a mask because of the new employees hired during this scary time of a pandemic that I have never been around.  I miss hanging out with my friends at coffee shops and small local restaurants.  I miss mexican night on Fridays and my margaritas.

on Apr 18, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Been on furlough almost a month now and have done lots of spring cleaning and other projects around home. Don't go out since my daughter goes and does all the necessary errands and grocery shopping for my safety. Have faith that this virus will soon pass and our lives can return back although it will never be the same after this situation.

on May 01, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been sheltering at home with my 2 dogs. I think I have only been out to the stores about 4 times snice this virus started. The problem is that I have to go to so many stores to find what iI need. With all of the restrictions, it takes forever to grocery shop. I am a senior and have a few health issues, live alone and dont have any close neighbors, or friends that live near me. I worry if i get sick, I wont have anyone to help me or take care of my dogs. Thank goodness, I did get the paper products I needed  back in early March. I have been cleaning, throwing things away, sorting cllothes to get rid of and doing lots of yard work. 

on May 02, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I go out when I need to, but I don't try and make more trips than necessary. I'm not in quarantine. And no, I'm not working.

on May 03, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I already work from home, and my partner has been fully telecomutting for two months. We've been very anxious and worried about everyone/the world, but we're homebodies and don't go out much anyway so that part is fine for us. My college aged niece lives with us, and she's had trouble adapting to being isolated from her friends and getting used to online classes.

I don't have a good immune system, so we are only leaving the house to take walks and get the mail. We're buying pantry and household goods online, and doing Instacart once a month for some cold dairy, frozen goods, and meat.
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