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How has your life changed because of the Coronavirus?
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on Mar 18, 2020 (Read 4420 times | Comments: 35)
Tell us abour your experience at this time. Are you staying home? Are you in quarantine? Has your job situation changed?

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I work at a school and we will be out a month at the very least. The 3 weeks our governor told us to shut down and the scheduled spring break.  I just heard on tv this morning that they may end up cancelling the rest of the school year.  I hope that is not the case, I hope they take it week by week.  I would rather we be hopeful and if we have to readjust then so be it, instead of negative and just shut it all down now.  

Cheryllo I wish you a speedy recovery.

God bless those in the medical world!

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have Lupus, which ive had for 36 years, so im very concerned about this Virus. I dont work so i dont have any problems with having to work from home, but my significant other is a Truck driver and is still working and every time he goes out and come home, i fear he will get the virus and then bring it home to me...I try and stay home other then to get needed items such as Medications and grocery items which are getting very hard to obtain...I also have a daughter who is a RN and works in the NIC U Department, Thank you for all those who risk their lives avery day to take care of others...

on Mar 27, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a job and go to work everyday to support the employees that are working from home but my hours have been reduced and so has my husbands. We use to go out to eat on saturday and sunday for lunch, now we order carry out and he goes to pick it up. I'm scared at how many people are dying from this stuff.

on Mar 28, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

My husband is a school bus driver so he isn't driving because of all the schools being closed.  However, Praise Jesus, he is part of the team who is every day delivering breakfast, snacks, and lunches to all school kids.  So he is still earning an hourly wage.  I, myself, do housekeeping for 2 different companies.  One has had to cease all services so that has knocked down my pay.  I am still getting some time at the other company.  There are only 2 employees.   Being home is not boring for us.  We enjoy being home and go shopping only when we have to for essentials.  So far there have been no active cases of the virus in our immediate area.

on Mar 29, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am a self employed house cleaner.  My business is considered essential, but several of my clients have decided to cancel for the time being.  One of them paid me for cleaning anyway because they appreciate all of my hard work and sympathize with my situation.  I did take a couple of weeks off, and have stayed home for the most part, but have had to make a couple of trips to the store.  I am very careful when going out though.  I worry about my daughter who is a cashier, but shes vigilant about keeping distance and washing hands.

on Apr 02, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I was temporarily laid off from work so I am definitely home a lot more than I have ever been. Our city is basically on lockdown so everything is closed. I live alone so I'm spending all my time at home and shopping online. I'm stressed and overwhelmed and just not sure when this will end and it is hard not getting a paycheck.

on Apr 03, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

Im staying home. I go for walks and once a week go to a new park. 
Right now I am ot going to work but thankfully am being paid at least until mid April. 
This week Im making bread for the first time .  Doing litte crafts, watching hulu, netflix , amazon prime 

on Apr 04, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have became germaphobic. I worry every time I go to the store. I do not mind sitting at home but it is hard no interacting with anyone. 

on Apr 04, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have became germaphobic. I worry every time I go to the store. I do not mind sitting at home but it is hard no interacting with anyone. 

on Apr 05, 2020 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am stuck working as an essential worker and have to find time to shop for groceries when not a lot of other people are shopping as I am unable to deal with crowds because of the virus
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