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What items do you buy online vs in-store?
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on Mar 20, 2017 (Read 44143 times | Comments: 60)
How do you decide what items are better to touch in person and which are good to buy from the comfort of your home? Are your online/in-store habits changing? Are you buying things online that you never thought you would? What will you always buy in-store?

on Mar 22, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

When I lived in NYC I did so much more shopping online, it makes it hard to shop without a car. Now that I am in a car-friendly city, most of my shopping is done in store. However, I do most of my clothing shopping online.

on Mar 22, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

For Me I'm Always Concerned About My Personal Information Getting In The Wrong Hands And Still Prefer To Buy In Store, I Think Part Of It Too Is Just That Person To Person Contact And Like You Mentioned Above Touching And Knowing Exactly The Product You're Purchasing.

on Mar 22, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I only buy makeup because many stores lack on restocking products and they are always late putting out the latest makeup products!

on Mar 22, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I will buy makeup online more than in-store. When you have a good idea of what it is your are looking for or like already then it is easier. Even with certain products knowing you want to try them on by purchasing online there can be rewards for your purchase(s). I don't shop online for food but would be open if I can't find the product easily in my area or maybe at all. Home goods are a hit or miss whether online or in-store. Those purchases I tend to be the most happy with either way. I think clothing is the hardest thing to stop for online. You really have to have vast knowledge of materials/sizes/measurements or maybe a previous experience with the brand or company before you venture into online clothes shopping. It's very easy to consistently end up with the wrong product.

on Mar 23, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have been shopping a lot more online over the last year. I especially like Amazon because of the free shipping with Prime. I have purchased gifts for my husband on there like a watch and makeup. CVS is another place i like to shop online. They always have great deals and i can never have enough makeup/personal care items!

on Mar 23, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

It all depends on ease on getting the item. I find that if i can wait a while and order it online not having to add another errand to my day makes shopping online today worth it for item I use everyday.

on Mar 23, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

For me, it is just a matter of not wanting to deal with crowded stores, lines, rude employees. I would much rather shop online.

on Mar 24, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I buy almost everything online.

on Mar 24, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't usually buy many things online. I do buy my refridgerator water filter online because it's cheaper & stores by me don't really carry the one I need. I buy my k cups online because there's always a better variety of flavors. For the most part, I will buy things in stores. A while back I was going to every electronic store trying to find covers for our newly purchased Macbooks. No one had anything nice. Then I realized, order online there's always alot of pretty choices. At times I just order online because I can't be bothered trying to find my sizes & colors of things I want. I usually try to buy it where it goes directly to the store so I don't pay for shipping

on Mar 24, 2017 Quote  »     Reply  »

I like to buy beauty products and fragrances mostly online.
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