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How can we make social media a more positive and supportive space?
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on Jul 08, 2016 (Read 160162 times | Comments: 101)
What have you done to make a positive influence online? What have you seen others do? What else can be done?

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Threats on social media need to be addressed just like phone threats. Police should have internet specialists who deal only with cyber crimes and social media.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Social media is huge and I doubt can ever be fully positive. The best approach is to pull the rug out from under the harassers. If every bad remark or harassment is not glorified with responses and media then the comments lose their merit. We need to make the harassers weak. They are the low life so maybe it is best to ignore them. If you throw gas on a fire - it gets bigger and hotter so we need to drown out the fire!

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think leading by example is the best approach. Starting a chain reaction can get the message spread through action. Don't just talk, act. Share positive thoughts, feelings and comments. Instead of comments that are negative, either because you don't like or disagree with something or someone; say what you would rather see or hear, etc. In example someone posts a picture that is not flattering. Instead of "you look horrible" or a thumbs down; if you must post as you have the choice not to, say I would like to see you in a more flattering outfit or pose and give suggestions if you are good at it. Or choose to speak about what you do like about it; like the background or colors chosen or a smile or hair. Or simply say, "glad you had fun."

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Discussions that become excessively negative are ineffective. IMO any worthwhile information is lost in the "attack". Personally, I try to observe a standard. If the

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Discussions that become excessively negative are ineffective. IMO any worthwhile information is lost in the "attack". Personally, I try to observe a standard. If the discussion is without respect to others, I do not post. If this negative attack mode continues, I avoid the site. I cannot mandate the actions of others, but I can refuse to contribute to anything I consider objectionable.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Stop bullying and negativity and social media would be a nice place. Uplift people and stop bringing them down.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I try not to respond to the negative comments in general, not to feed into their need for attention. Often people make negative comments just to stir things up and then they move on to another place and start the negativity all over. I have noticed that a lot of other people ignore the comments too and I think that is a positive step. just try to make positive comments and ignore the negative ones.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have had nudity, huge letters foul language as if small letters is not bad enough and my grandkids may see that, I don't want them to think grandma feels it is OK so I just block the person. Usually I tell them that I am blocking them a the reason. Either they like it or they don't. My grandkids are my priority!!!

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Respect. Respect others opinions, respect that there is another side to every issue and when responding to others, show respect in your words. You can comment to others, but show respect.

on Jul 11, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Stand up to the bully's by speaking up in a nice way that firmly states it's not ok to single out eomen for hate messages.
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