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Are women supportive of each other?
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on Mar 16, 2016 (Read 105065 times | Comments: 98)
We surveyed 2,000 SheSpeaks members and only 37% said that they believe that women are supportive of one another. Does that surprise you? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts. We want to know what you think!

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Wow, I'm surprised it was such a low number. I would think that women would want to look out for each other.

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

@crisss I know, right? I am not sure where the poll was taken but most of my friends are pretty cool

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Very interesting. I really believe it's all in how you look at it. Women say they don't think other women are supportive of each other, but maybe it's just their insecurities, and how we as women have a tendency to change how we hear things. A simple comment like "Wow, are they all yours?" I've heard some moms take offense to, because they hear "you have too many kids, don't you know what causes that?" When in reality, the other mom is probably only thinking "Wow, that's a lot of kids. She must be supermom! I wish I had more stamina for that many kids."

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am surprised with the results. But then again I guess we live in a world where everything is about "me". It's sad though.. because there is nothing more uplifting than a word of encouragement, at just the right time, from someone who cares............

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I think it's interesting that the numbers are so low. Maybe we should ask whether or not women are supporting other women, as in have the person taking the survey answer whether or not they support other women. Why or why not? Personally, I think more women are supporting other women in general. There's less competition today than there has even been. I feel there's a better understanding as to who we are, and how different we are from one another. And most importantly, how our differences can help inspire one another. I have friends who work harder than I do and I applaud them for it, and in return it makes me want to work to my full potential. I love to see others succeed, and I love to create my own successes.

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

It's really not that surprising, we are a nation of "I want it now" and most are busy with their own lives and the intrusion of someone else's problems are not well tolerated in the "give me, give me" attitudes and self absorption.

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

While I am saddened by the survey results, I was not very surprised by them, based on some of my own personal experiences and interactions with other women. When I was young, I was very selfish and caught up in my "own" world & no one really mattered to me except my family, my "home girls"/ BFFs (as they are now being called), and my "Man" and I would Not hesitate to tear down anyone -woman or man -who I felt posed a threat to my personal happiness.. no matter the consequences. Unfortunately, on way too many occasions, I would find that the "threat" to my relationship or job or friendship was not even "REAL" ;but , by then, I'd already done too much damage to recoup any kind of relationship. Luckily, as I grew older..hopefully, a little wiser, I realized that I'd believed the glamorized, "Women are bitches" hype being touted in media (which is crap) and REALLY looked around at all the great women I knew, & allowed myself to EMPATHIZE with other women and INTERACT vs REACT.

on Mar 19, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I feel women are so stressed out to succeed, that most of us have become competitive--running for the same team. It is sad, but some of us will find the minor in another just to keep her beneath us. This is why the saying goes, "don't trust all those smiling in your face."

on Mar 20, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I'm not surprised. We are afraid to let others live and let live. Social and mass media puts out images and fans the flame of competition and being judgmental. Doing all we do as women is hard enough as it is. Rather than let artificial sources divide us, we should unite and say, it's hard to be a working mom. It's hard to be a stay at home mom. It's difficult to be a single mom. It's difficult to support and be the backbone of the man of the house. It's hard to be mom.

on Mar 20, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

That was some deep homegirl stuff HoneyBee22. I respect ya! Most of us ladies don't learn, because learning means admitting when wrong.
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