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Are women supportive of each other?
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on Mar 16, 2016 (Read 105168 times | Comments: 98)
We surveyed 2,000 SheSpeaks members and only 37% said that they believe that women are supportive of one another. Does that surprise you? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts. We want to know what you think!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

That is a great question. I agree that it is possible if you separate the working women from homemakers there could be a difference. Me personally feel there shouldn't be one, but in reality I bet there is.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I find women not to be very supportive of one another, and it is the main reason I have mostly male friends with a small group of of only one or two female friends. Women ( I have found ) , say they are supportive and will gossip behind your back, and when someone finally has the guts to tell you what is being said , they usually will not say who told them things, so you can confront the person head on. ( no violence ) . Women are also very passive aggressive. I wish it was true that women support other women, but that is simply not the case , in my experiences . I am a very loyal and loving friend , and have my life together, ad am always there to lend a hand, people can be very jealous of other women's accomplishments.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do find that most of the comments here in this thread are spot on. I have to take issue with the comments about working outside the home vs. stay at home moms. I have worked outside the home and I have witnessed stay at home moms cutting each other down behind each other's backs even more so than working moms. Females in general use words and gossip/talking about each other as weapons; men use other means of cutting each other down. I don't see much of a difference between the amount of support vs. cut-throat between the genders, just the "how." I am trying my best to teach my daughter to be kinder and rise above the usual female cat-tactics, gossip and to support her fellow girls and young ladies as she grows. I think the most we can do as parents to inculcate DIFFERENT ways of acting and interacting with our fellow humans, the more impact we will have on not just our own children, but maybe also on other children as well. And yes, I practice what I preach, too.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am not surprised - - especially in the work place.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't find it surprising at all. I would like to think that women are supportive of each other, but in my experience, it seems as if they are very supportive of each other and look to find ways to undermine and be mean to other women. It's so sad, because we really need to support other women! We have enough going on in our lives without having to worry about other women tearing us down!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am not very surprised by this, but Ive found that the more awareness women have of it, the better they become. I think we also become better at supporting each other as we age. My natural instincts are competitive but over the last 3 years I've been working on supporting others instead of taking their situations personally.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This did not surprise me at all because there is so much competition that goes on between women in looks, hair, makeup, weight, clothes, kids, fashion statements, decoration in home, jobs, cars and more! Of course I wish it could be different but it happens even with siblings. In my opinion it seems to be happening more and more as the generations progress. I am not saying any generation is better than the other, I just see more of it now. Of course more women are in the working outside the home world now too so that makes even more competition.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This doesn't surprise me at all, to be honest woman have been mean and hateful to me personally all my life. I've always been a smaller pretty girl and woman seem to be more hateful over it. I have always tried to be as nice and respectful, caring to other woman to only be verbally and physically attacked more often than not. Causing me to steer far away from having woman as friends or trusting them.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

This doesn't surprise me at all, to be honest woman have been mean and hateful to me personally all my life. I've always been a smaller pretty girl and woman seem to be more hateful over it. I have always tried to be as nice and respectful, caring to other woman to only be verbally and physically attacked more often than not. Causing me to steer far away from having woman as friends or trusting them.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I don't think it's surprising but it is sad. I think women try to compete with each other too much and not support them
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