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Are women supportive of each other?
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on Mar 16, 2016 (Read 105085 times | Comments: 98)
We surveyed 2,000 SheSpeaks members and only 37% said that they believe that women are supportive of one another. Does that surprise you? Do you agree or disagree? Share your thoughts. We want to know what you think!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

What surprises me about the 37% is that it is that high. I have rarely found other women supportive in a real and true way. I think women do excel at being phony with other women most of the time, they find it hard to compliment them or complement them. Men are competitive, but in a more superficial way. They will compete, but it wont be as personal. Women get vicious when they compete. In fact, years ago, I read a article about some ancient tribe that had to stop their women going to war since the women warriors were much more cruel than men were to their perceived enemy. I think about only10% of women have the grace, character and maturity to truly and deeply support other women in a meaningful way. Generally, and sadly, those 10% are considered weird and are talked about by the other 90%. Women can do Phony "support" yes, but not real support. And, the reasons for that are too long to mention here.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I believe that women who have been hurt and are insecure do not support other women because they are either a threat or competition. Older women after the age of 30 seem to be more supportive.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I honestly feel women are in constant competition with one another, so I am not that surprised. It is truly sad though, we are Women, we should support one another!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wonder what the percentage would be if you separated the responses of women who work outside the home versus women who work from home/are stay-at-home moms. I notice a difference between the two groups with the SAHMs being more supportive, but that is just my personal experience.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

It did not surprise me one bit. They say though if you do not have at least 10 haters you are doing something wrong.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I do see things getting better but I feel that women seem to get caught up in the gossip and all that stuff because of how competitive we are. Over guys, jobs, how we look, what friends we have, anything. No matter what age we are, those are the issues that I've seen coming between women and making them less-supportive of each other.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Only 37 percent? Well there lies a big problem. Do they think men support them more? I know women can be sometimes jealous and petty especially in the workplace where they may be competing for jobs. And I have seen it in my circle of on line friends. I don't understand why we just cannot all get along. Everyone needs support now and then. No one can go it alone!

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am surprised at the 37%. What I have witnessed in my own life surely is much higher. I consider myself a very lucky women after seeing this, but in truth, I think it maybe higher.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I am not really surprised. Women are hesitant to help other women if it will put them in a better position than them. Also, it's rare to find a woman that isn't competitive. I feel like women should be shown HOW to help other women in a way that is lasting. Making donations is great but those resources run out. Help a woman with her education, mentor her, or help her land a job. Set each other up for success and be a good listener. You don't have to be friends with someone to listen and be supportive.

on Mar 18, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wonder what the percentage would be if you separated the responses of women who work outside the home versus women who work from home/are stay-at-home moms. I notice a difference between the two groups with the SAHMs being more supportive, but that is just my personal experience.
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