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3 yr old (4th Child) Won't Potty Train
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on Oct 30, 2014 (Read 108474 times | Comments: 49)
So my 4th child who just turned 3 years old will not potty train. She said that she loves diapers and pull-ups. We've tried everything from bribing, to sitting her on there and letting her read, to getting her excited because she's such a big girl. I have three other children who at the age of three years old wanted to be potty trained. She just isn't into it. She even has friends potty trained and it doesn't phase her that she is still wearing diapers.

on May 21, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I have a 3 year old son that is trained to pee in the potty but refuses to go number 2 in the potty. I have tried everything. He wears his underwear all day and he will put a pull up on when he has to go. He will even get one and put it on himself. Any advice because I am clueless on what to do now.

on Jun 24, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I agree. My daughter was very excited to try when I let her watch me toss out her old diapers. The day before I had taken ehr to the store and let her pick out her favorite "big girl" panties. Maybe your daughter would be excited about that?

on Jun 25, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter is exactly the same. She has a potty and refuses to use it. She will be three in September. The Pull-Ups prices are killing me, but I will have to plastic wrap EVERYTHING if we go straight underwear. It's a contemplation I have been having for a while.

on Jun 28, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

My little one is 3.5 and is potty trained for poopoos but not pepees. I am going to try the going without anything on next weekend and see how it works. So many moms have told me that's what finally worked for their child. Hopefully that will work for you too.

on Jul 07, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Don't force her. She will go when she is ready. I have 4 kids all potty trained and my first was the hardest to train because I listened yo everyone that kept saying make her go. Once I stopped making her try, she woke up one morning took off her diaper and said no more diaper and potty trained that very day. Never made my other kids go when they weren't ready and potty training was not stressful and happened fast because it was on their terms. Just no pull-ups they basically are the same as diapers, use training underpants they are just thick cotton underwear, pee doesn't quickly run through but they still get uncomfortable.

on Aug 14, 2016 Quote  »     Reply  »

Maybe i can help we have a three year old that was just like that. He would constantly tell us no he wanted to stay in pullups because he was a baby not a big boy .we tried everything from putting him in front of the tv, to sitting their with him until he would go,but nothing. Then my husband suggested that we try to do this method. So we started doing this method of every time he would wet or poop the pull up give him a bath. Well we tried this method for two days and now he goes to the restroom.

on May 06, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I feel your pain! My daughter just turned 3 and also has no interest in the potty!!!

on May 20, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

I made a game out of it for my son. I placed a few Cheerios in the toilet, told him to aim, shoot, and sink them! Sorry, I have no idea what to do about girls.

on May 21, 2018 Quote  »     Reply  »

My 3 almost 4 year old son is doing almost the same i recently had another child and he is not having it. He tells me he is not my big boy he is my baby n cries until i put a diaper on him bc he wants to be my baby i give him alone time and do extra things to make him feel special but it still doesnt help he pees once in a while in the toilet and if he isnt with me he has no issue so i know that it is pure jealousy of the baby....i do not know where to go from here.
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