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3 yr old (4th Child) Won't Potty Train
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on Oct 30, 2014 (Read 108472 times | Comments: 49)
So my 4th child who just turned 3 years old will not potty train. She said that she loves diapers and pull-ups. We've tried everything from bribing, to sitting her on there and letting her read, to getting her excited because she's such a big girl. I have three other children who at the age of three years old wanted to be potty trained. She just isn't into it. She even has friends potty trained and it doesn't phase her that she is still wearing diapers.

on Dec 09, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I thought the other day she was actually ready. She pee'd in her diaper and wanted it off immediately. But within seconds she wanted another on. I think I'm going to wait for warmer weather now. Unless she decides in the interim that she wants to be potty trained. My little independent mind.

on Dec 09, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I thought the other day she was actually ready. She pee'd in her diaper and wanted it off immediately. But within seconds she wanted another on. I think I'm going to wait for warmer weather now. Unless she decides in the interim that she wants to be potty trained. My little independent mind.

on Dec 24, 2014 Quote  »     Reply  »

I haven't had any kids of my own yet (I do have two younger brothers though) but my mom potty trained me by putting a potty chair on the newspaper the dog used. I must have thought it was funny or something. But it worked. When she did that I went potty.

on Jan 02, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

If nothing seems to work. STOP and wait for a week. Let your child even wear diapers. You have to talk about it, but do not tell/ask to go on the potty! A week later start again. I was struggling with my kids and that was the way i potty trained them!

on Jan 06, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

With my kiddos, we have an end of the day treat. So, if your pity training and your child has on the same dry panties/undies through the day, they get their after dinner treat. Solves the sibling rivalry issue. As a treat through the day I used my kids favorite nuts or fruits in very small portions. As for not being interested, try not to push. Keep asking if they need to use the potty though. Let her/him know when the diapers are gone we'll be using the potty always. No is ands or buts.... lol Except the one that hopefully starts to use the potty!

on Jan 16, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

My daughter just turned 4 last month. She did not want anything to do with potty training at all! So when she was about 3 1/2 we just took all the diapers/training pants away and she only wore panties. Yeah at first it was messy and she cried for diapers but we didn't give in and now she is 100% potty trained.

on Jan 25, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I work in a Head Start classroom and if there is one thing I have learned its that kids will only do things when they think it's THEIR idea to do it. My son was the same way. I finally had enough, I got rid of the diapers and threw his butt into underwear and i DIDN'T look back. Sure, I had to clean up a few messes but when my head strong three year old realized that underwear didn't hide the mess, that he would feel filthy, and that mommy was not giving back the diapers, he started using that potty, But then again every child is different, If she was born premature or if she is delayed socially, emotionally. physically, even just a little bit it can also delay things. Also if she is under a lot of stress or if mommy or family are under a lot of stress that can definitely affect things. I would either through her in underwear and wait and see or step back and try again in a few months. She may surprise you and be just like every other woman on the planet and change her mind!

on Jan 26, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

This is so true

on Jan 31, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

I wouldn't worry about it at all. The less attention to the matter I think will get her to do it herself. You stated you have 3 other children and what I think is that maybe this is her way of standing out from the rest. Eventually, she will go to the bathroom and I do think that she can do it herself at this time. Good luck.

on Feb 05, 2015 Quote  »     Reply  »

Elmo's Potty Time DVD and book worked wonders with our daughter. It made her excited to be a big girl and use the potty!
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